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European Researcher. Series A – международный научный журнал по социальным наукам

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Периодичность – 1 раз в 6 месяцев.
Издается с 2010 года.

Number 2. (in 2 part) August 15, 2014

Technical sciences

1. Victor Ya. Tsvetkov
Information Space, Information Field, Information Environment

European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(80), № 8-1, pp. 1416-1422.

The article analyzes information space, information field and information environment; shows that information space can be natural and artificial; information field is substantive and processual object and articulates the space property; information environment is concerned with some object and acts as the surrounding in relation to it and is considered with regard to it. It enables to define information environment as a subset of information space. It defines its passive description. Information environment can also be defined as a subset of information field. It corresponds to its active description.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1409161948.pdf
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Historical sciences and archaeology

2. Dmytro Kudinov
Agrarian Peasant Question as a Reflection of Ukrainian Parties Ideology at the Beginning of the 20th Century: Historiographic Discourse

European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(80), № 8-1, pp. 1423-1436.

The keenness and acuity of the agrarian and peasant question, which should be conceived as conscious problem of land scarcity, legal status of peasant social stratum, of peasant agrarians and peasant labourers made political parties at the beginning of the 20th century to work out their visions of crisis situation overcoming in the countryside. The necessity to be armed with own opinion on this matter concerned both Russian and national parties in the Russian Empire. The author suggests reviewing agrarian concepts of various parties as the measure of their referring to either to left wing or liberal political parties. Such concept statement is investigated in frames of historiographic discourse with involvement of original documents, which permits to make sense of the stated issue. The participants of the historiographic dialogue are mostly represented by contemporary scientists, who study the agrarian components of Ukrainian parties platforms at the beginning of the 20th century.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1409162018.pdf
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3. Roman V. Lapshin, Nicholas W. Mitiukov, Vyacheslav I. Menkovsky
The History of Spanish Steamer Marzo

European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(80), № 8-1, pp. 1437-1439.

The article considers the history of Spanish steamer Marzo. By the time of the demise of the Republic in 1939, it was anchored in Murmansk. The paper studies the major versions of its afterlife in Soviet fleet.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1409162116.pdf
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4. Dmitrii V. Matveev
First Steamers of Kamsk-Votkinsk Ironworks

European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(80), № 8-1, pp. 1440-1447.

The article is focused on the features and difficulties of the construction of the first four steamers: Astrabad, Graf Vronchenko, Ural and Kura at Kamsk-Votkinsk Ironworks. It took seven years to launch shipbuilding construction.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1409162173.pdf
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5. Teimuraz Vakhtangishvili, Tengiz Simashvili
Joseph Dzhugashvili (Stalin) and the Terror

European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(80), № 8-1, pp. 1448-1452.

Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin) was born in Georgia, where he spent the significant part of his life. Materials and documents, preserved in the funds of the Central Historic Archive of Georgia and in the Archive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, which haven’t been published yet, present a new view of Joseph Dzhugashvili’s (Stalin) revolutionary activities during the revolution of 1905-1907. The mentioned documents state the fact that the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks made active use of terrorist methods and acts against tsar’s government. Besides, the archive materials, we have obtained, state that young Joseph Dzhugashvili (Stalin) while residing in Georgia was involved in the organization of military struggle and terrorist acts against government by the socially-democratic party of the Bolsheviks.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1409162257.pdf
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6. Lilya R. Vegera
V.P. Naumenko Sociopolitical Activity (Second Half of XIX Century. – 1917 Year)

European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(80), № 8-1, pp. 1453-1463.

The article investigates socio-political activity of V.P. Naumenko (1852-1919) – an outstanding representative of the Ukrainian intelligentsia of the late XIX – early XX century, politics, philologist, publisher, teacher. The scientist's career was developing under the influence of liberatory ideas during this period. The numerous works of eminent historians, who were contemporaries of V.P. Naumenko and researchers late XX – early XXI century, evidenced about it. Analysis of documentary materials proved that the impetus for an active social life of Vladimir Naumenko was family upbringing where service people attached great importance. The University of St. Vladimir in Kiev, where he was enrolled like a free listener in the 1868 had significant impact on the formation of personality and socio-political position of V.P. Naumenko. Scientist's activities in Kiev society where he held «right» liberal wing played an important role in his socio-political life. Vladimir Pavlovich along with other members of the «right» wing did not mind the ideas of socialism, but they treated them as a distant prospect. V.P. Naumenko saw the path to this ideal in peaceful reforms. V.P. Naumenko was also an active member of the liberal-democratic union – Ukrainian common nonpartisan democratic organization (UCNDO). Soon Vladimir Pavlovich stepped back from this participation, because in the early twentieth century the organization began to acquire a political character. Thus, the article analyzed V.P. Naumenko's socio-political activities and elucidate his role in the political process since the middle of the XIX century till the 1917 revolution.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1409162322.pdf
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Economic sciences

7. Mihail N. Dudin, Nikolaj V. Lyasnikov, Aleksandr S. Senin
Triple Helix Model as an Efficient Mechanism of Food Security Provision in Regional Economic Entities and the Economic System as a Whole

European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(80), № 8-1, pp. 1464-1472.

The leading countries of the world consider food security the important condition of internal political and social-economic stability of the state and its external independence. The topic of the article is crucial due to the fact that the problem of food security is rather complicated and multilevel and should be considered at different interrelated hierarchical levels. In this context the efficient model of food security is the result of the permanent dialogue between the representatives of the state government, business entities, social organizations and scientific institutions. The article justifies the fact that the model of innovation development, known as ‘the triple helix model’ should be applied at the modern stage of economic development as an efficient tool for the food security provision, which can be implemented in the activity of regional economic entities and the whole economic system of the Russian Federation.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1409162408.pdf
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8. Alexandr M. Vetitnev, Anna A. Torgasheva
Estimation of Demand for Health Tourism by Studying Consumers’ Internet Searches

European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(80), № 8-1, pp. 1473-1479.

The paper presents demand indices for health tourism, obtained by studying consumers’ Internet searches in search systems during the last 2 years. The most popular health tourism destinations with the Russians, such as Sochi, Anapa, Kislovodsk, Crimea, were detected. The Internet users display activity has no significant seasonal fluctuations.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1409162479.pdf
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Philosophical sciences

9. Irma G. Shioshvili
Industrial Society and Its Transformations in Today’s World

European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(80), № 8-1, pp. 1480-1484.

The major factor, causing the necessity of modern society modernization is the colonial systems breakdown. Former colonies, having gained independence, became independent states. As they developed, they faced the problem of the political and social model selection, which will dictate the unity of structures, institutes and human relations. Today it is evident that the economy and the politics of the majority of the freed countries focus on the western values. Modernization involves both technical components and social norms and institutes, behavior samples of social and psychological phenomena. Modernization alone shouldn’t be understood as a displacement of traditional national forms. Every culture world contains the core of values, acting as a selection center, ‘collecting’ the externally imposed values and transforming them. Modernization without national support can become a factor, thwarting the development. It succeeds only in terms of innovative approach to national cultural forms, enabling to set the society development on peaceful and stable course. The future of the modernizing countries cannot be comprehended as the absolute reflection of traditional values and the simple progress of the modern society even when the civil and the political cultures have reached the high level of development.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1409162556.pdf
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full number
URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1409162583.pdf
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