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European Researcher. Series A – международный научный журнал по социальным наукам

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Периодичность – 1 раз в 6 месяцев.
Издается с 2010 года.

Number 2. (in 2 part) July 25, 2014

Physical and Mathematical sciences

1. Merab Aghniashvili, Diana Mtchedlishvili
The First Main Boundary Value Problem of Dynamics of Thermo-Resiliency’s Momentum Theory
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2014.2.1296CrossRef

In the paper, the first main boundary value problem of Dynamics of Thermo-resiliency’s momentum theory is converted into the Elliptic boundary value problem with the formal usage of the Laplace transform. This problem is studied using the method of singular integral equations. The solution of the first main boundary value problem is derived using the inverse Laplace transform.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1407048758.pdf
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Agricultural sciences

2. Solomon Kebebew, Ketema Belete, Tamado Tana
Productivity Evaluation of Maize - Soybean Intercropping System under Rainfed Condition at Bench-Maji Zone, Ethiopia
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2014.2.1301CrossRef

The study was carried out to evaluate the productivity of maize - soybean intercropping system and to identify the best combination that maximize productivity of the system. Maize hybrid (BH540) at 44,444 plants ha-1 and three soybean varieties (AFGAT, Awassa-95 and Crawford) in a factorial combination of three planting densities (25%, 50% and 75%) of the recommended population density of soybean with the respective sole of each variety of component crops were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Sole cropped maize grain yield (3189.80 kg ha-1) was non-significantly greater than intercropped (2753.70 kg ha-1) by means of 13.67%. Soybean seed yield of 1993.61 and 747.48 kg ha-1 was obtained from sole and intercropped soybean, respectively. In all combinations, LER was greater than one justified that a yield advantage of (14-32%) and (6-28%) as depicted by LER 1.14-1.32 and 1.06 -1.28 due to varieties and planting densities, respectively. Generally, as LER was superior in all intercrops evaluating that the productivity of maize-soybean intercropping showed a higher relative yield advantage of 32% over sole cropping. The GMV of the intercrops was increased with an increase in planting density of soybean. Furthermore, the GMV of intercrops (ETB 12176.00 per ha) was greater by means of 41.05% over sole cropped maize whilst lower than that of soybean sole cropped GMV by ETB 3772.90 per ha or 23.66%. However, MA had not significantly varied due to varieties and planting densities and cropping system. In additive intercropping system, maize intercropped with Awassa-95 at 50% planting density showed a yield advantage of 23.71% over sole cropped maize.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1407048881.pdf
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Historical sciences and archaeology

3. Dmytro Kudinov
Ukrainian Historiography About the Solution of Agrarian Peasant Question in the Programs of Ukrainian Parties at the Beginning of 20th Century, 1991-2013
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2014.2.1310CrossRef

The article is devoted to modern (post-Soviet) vision of Ukrainian historiographical science concerning resolving of agrarian peasant question, which is understood by the author as the complex of relations between the state and the peasantry, processes of the transformation of peasants’ legal and property statuses and land use by peasants. That’s why the historical partological study is considered in tight connection with peasant movement in Ukraine at the beginning of the 20th century. The author reflects on the ideological essence of parties, which defined the specifics of their proposals both on land reform and on the change of peasants’ estate status. Moreover, it is suggested to evaluate the attitude to agrarian question as one of the criteria for parties classification as left-wing, right-wing or centrist. Controversial issues regarding agrarian parts of party programs are investigated as well as the methods of struggle proposed by the parties.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1407048971.pdf
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Economic sciences

4. Sidra Ghazanfar, Zhang Qi Wen, Muhammad Abdullah, Majid Latif
“An Analysis of the Farmers’ Community Perception and Awareness About Crop Insurance as a Risk Coping Strategy”: A case from Pakistan
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2014.2.1323CrossRef

The purpose of this study was to assess the awareness and perception of farmers of Pakistan about the crop insurance. This study was conducted in two tehsils of RajanPur district of Punjab province of Pakistan. Using various statistical tools like arithmetic mean, standard deviation, counting, percentage and analysis of variance, the collected data was analyzed using SPSS. A five-point Likert scale was also used to measure different variables. The findings revealed that majority of the respondents i.e. 64.17% respondents were aware with the term “crop insurance” while the understanding level with crop insurance varied among those who had general awareness about crop insurance i.e. only 29.87 % respondents among those who were aware claimed that they understand well about crop insurance. The major sources of awareness about crop insurance were found to be friends/coworkers and financial institutes. Climatic risk and crop diseases were declared as the most important risks faced by respondents in the study area. There were found considerable misperceptions about crop insurance among farmers i.e. majority of the farmers declared the crop insurance as a scheme which does not compensate their losses as it should be and as well as a kind of a tax which can reduce their income as well as they believed that it is only designed for a specific group of farmers i.e. large scale farmers. Farmers believed that a crop insurance plan with low premium and offering maximum compensation against losses can be acceptable to them. Using ANOVA and CHI SQUARE test, it was found that education and landholdings were significant with the level of awareness while age was not found to be significant with awareness. Before launching crop insurance plans in Pakistan and to make such scheme more successful, government institutes related to agriculture can create awareness among farmers about crop insurance and take steps to reduce the misunderstandings and misperception which exist among the farming community. Offering of maximum subsidy from Government of Pakistan can attract the farmers towards crop insurance.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1407049121.pdf
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5. Mohammad Hamad, Teoman Duman
A Comparison of Interest-Free and Interest-Based Microfinance in Bosnia and Herzegovina
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2014.2.1333CrossRef

Microfinance has long been used a developmental tool to fight poverty. It has been operational since the 1960s. Recent studies have shown positive impacts of microfinance with respect to generating income and smoothing consumption of its clients. On the other hand, a number of critics argue that microfinance has not been able to achieve its main objective of fighting poverty. This is due to the shift that has taken place in the industry from poverty-focus to profit-oriented business-focus. Above all, microfinance faces other challenges on its way to succeed. One of the major challenges is that the product is not universally applicable or it does not tailor with the belief system of the Muslims despite the fact that one third of the world poor are Muslims. There has been a growing effort to create an ‘Islamic’ model of microfinance. The Islamic Model of Microfinance represents a new paradigm of social enterprise in which profit and loss sharing replaces interest-based financing. The growth of Islamic microfinance has led organizations such as the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP), a multilateral organization distributing knowledge about Islamic microfinance, and the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) to begin understanding this new way of approaching poverty. The objective of this paper is to review the existing Islamic microfinance institutions (IMFIs) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH), and to propose a Shariah compliant microfinance product in Islamic microfinance operations particularly in BH.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1407049238.pdf
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6. Dina Orazymbetova
Present-Day Challenges for and Postulates of the Regional Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2014.2.1351CrossRef

At the current stage of development, Kazakhstan’s regional policy is called on to ensure the formation of favorable conditions and factors for building up the internal and external competitiveness of regions, ensuring the territorial concentration of labor and capital resources in centers of economic growth, and boosting the regional employment rate and the quality of life of the republic’s citizens. This has been reflected in numerous state programs, which this article is going to examine. The author concludes that reducing the differentiation between regions is possible only through the formation of centers of economic growth.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1407049314.pdf
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7. Muhammed Kürşad Özlen
Successful Skill Transfer: Military Service Experience and Company Performance
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2014.2.1357CrossRef

In today’s business life, employees from different sectors have the opportunity to work in other industries and can have different positions through the organization. This can be considered from the perspective of skill transfer (transfer of tacit knowledge). The success can be questioned in terms of company performance. If this process can be managed well performance will be higher. This research mainly aims to identify whether veterans with military service experience can contribute to employee motivation, organizational motivation and organizational benefits. In order to test the assumed associations, the research employs a survey study on the veterans who have served for Bosnian army and are currently employees of Bosnian firms. The results provide that military service experience is significantly influential on the motivations of employees and organizations and on company performance. It can be suggested that the adaptation of external knowledge (skill transfer), military service experience, into new organizational environment can be enhanced by the help of knowledge management. This research is valuable in that it is among the few studies in its respective field and in the region.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1407049376.pdf
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8. Muhammed Kürşad Özlen
The Recent Trend in a Human Resource Management Journal: A Keyword Analysis
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2014.2.1367CrossRef

Continuous changes in technology, economic, social and psychological understandings and structures have influence on both Human Resources and their management. Organizations approach their human capital in a more sensitive way in order to win the loyalty and commitment of them, while increasing profit and maximizing the efficiency/effectiveness of its work power. Human Resources Management helps achieving these goals by recruiting, training, developing, motivating and rewarding employees. Therefore, the identification of current research interests is essential to lead them in defining organizational human resources strategies. The main purpose of this research is to identify top rated factors related to Human Resource Management by analyzing all the abstracts of the published papers in a Human Resource Management journal from the beginning of 2005 till the end of 2012. As a result of analyzing the keywords of all abstracts, the frequencies of the keyword categories are identified. Except the keywords related to Human Resources (17.6%), it is observed that the studies for the period consider the following: Employee rights and their career (18.3%), management (14.6%), contextual issues (10%), organizational strategies (9.5%), performance measurement and training (9.5%), behavioral issues and employee motivation (5.7), organizational culture (5.4%), technical issues (4.1%), etc. It should be noted that the researchers (a) mainly stress on practice more than theory and (b) consider the organization less than the individual. Interestingly, employee motivation is found to be less considered by the researchers. This study is believed to be useful for future studies and the industry by identifying the hot and top rated factors related to Human Resource Management.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1407049467.pdf
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9. Şerife Özlen
The Influence of Global Macroeconomic Factors on Stock Values: A Sector Level Analysis
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2014.2.1376CrossRef

Investors and policy makers should carefully analyze stock returns and their possible relationships with microeconomic and macroeconomic factors in both local and global arena. Since the markets are increasingly becoming global, the outcomes may be more important for international factors. Therefore, this study aims to identify the relationship between selected international macroeconomic variables (FTSE-100 England market index, GDAX Germany market index, NYSE Composite market index, Gold prices and Crude Oil prices) and 48 companies in 11 different sectors (electric, food, communication, paper, chemistry, metal-main, metal-product, stone, textile, commerce and transportation) in Istanbul Stock Exchange Market. ARDL is employed on the data for the period between the second month of 2005 and the second month of 2012 including 85 monthly observations. The research provides mix results for the selected sectors. Crude oil is found to be significantly effective on almost all the companies in the selected sectors. The extensive influence of gold prices on the sectors except electric and communication sectors is also observed. Global market indices (American, English and German) are found to have influence in various degrees through the sectors. This research is expected to be useful in that it provides results for different sectors operating in Turkish Stock Exchange Market.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1407049565.pdf
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10. Dalila Salkanović, Mersid Poturak
Peoples Perception About Ethnocentrism in BIH
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2014.2.1387CrossRef

Consumer ethnocentrism comes up as tendency to purchase domestic products instead of foreign once. This kind of behavior can be directly linked to every country’s prosperity. Ethnocentric consumers, purchasing domestic products, see as their own contribution to economic, social and political development. Purpose of this study is to analyze consumer perceptions about local products consumption and its effects on community-building in BiH. It also explored the potential to expand local markets for local food and products. Sources of local food products include (but may not be limited to) farmers markets, and grocers who carry local foods. A descriptive research methodology was used for this study. As the survey instrument questionnaire is used to collect data from local community. 320 responses were further analyzed with SPSS program, using descriptive statistics. Final outcome give detailed picture of local products consumption by learning about the expectations of consumers and understanding the kinds of contributions that local products make to the community. Results showed that consumers in BiH are showing ethnocentric behavior while purchasing products, respondents generally perceive domestic products to be of good quality but while purchasing they are putting quality in front of domestically produced products.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1407049644.pdf
Number of views: 1407      Download in PDF

Cultural studies

11. Omomia, O. Austin
An Examination of Common Worship and Ceremonies among the Abrahamic Faiths: Implication for Religious Tolerance in Nigeria
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2014.2.1401CrossRef

Abrahamic faiths refer to the three most popular religions that traced their origin to Abraham. These religions are Judaism (the earliest of the three), Christianity and Islam (Islam is commonly adjudged as the most recent).This paper examined the common worship, customs and other religious ceremonies prevalent among the Abrahamic faiths. It also identified the common areas of agreement between the Abrahamic faiths with regards to the common religious related customs. It is on this strength that the paper argued that the Abrahamic faiths should emphasize on areas of unity rather than widen the gulf of disagreement. The paper employed the historical and sociological methods of investigation. It is recommended that the Abrahamic faiths should explore areas of unity in order to strengthen the cord of tolerance and peace in the world in general and Nigeria in particular.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1407049733.pdf
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full number
URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1407049753.pdf
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