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European Researcher. Series A – международный научный журнал по социальным наукам

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Периодичность – 1 раз в 6 месяцев.
Издается с 2010 года.

Number 2. (in 2 part) July 25, 2013

Economic Sciences

1. Sanja Božić, Dejan Berić
Tourist Valorization of Cultural Route “The Trail of the Roman Emperors“

European Researcher, 2013, Vol.(55), № 7-2, р. 1902-1913.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2013.55.1902CrossRef

Cultural routes appear as a new concept that turned to be very beneficial in terms of the revitalization and presentation of cultural heritage in its broader sense - from archaeological sites to landscapes. These trails provide a unique purview into the spirit of modern countries and their inextricable connection to contemporary time. On the territory of present day Serbia 17 Roman emperors were born, which is one fifth and largest number of Roman emperors born anywhere in the world, outside of Rome. That was a good basis for developing idea of forming cultural route and starting the project „The Trail of the Roman Emperors“ in Serbia. It can be one of the most important topics in the field of cultural tourism in Serbia, and the main goal of this paper is to give a proposal for its valorization and promotion for the tourism purposes. This will be achieved through the evaluation of all elements of tourist valorization on the basis of which general tourist assessment will be formed, while the purpose of SWOT analysis was to detect existing strengths and weaknesses, and provide real opportunities and risks for this cultural route.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1375815260.pdf
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2. Maroš Brodanský
Comparison of the Outdoor Activities Level in Selected Countries

European Researcher, 2013, Vol.(55), № 7-2, р. 1914-1918.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2013.55.1914CrossRef

This paper considers the dynamics of recreation development in modern conditions. Present research displays the differences in approach to learning and developing activities between the two countries in the European Union (for example, the Kingdom of Spain and the Czech Republic), as well as between these countries and Russia.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1375815478.pdf
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3. Muhammed Kürşad Özlen, Nejra Omerhodžić
Green Supply Chain Management: A New Movement Towards Healthier Environment

European Researcher, 2013, Vol.(55), № 7-2, р. 1919-1928
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2013.55.1919CrossRef

The objective of this paper is to establish a picture of to what extent Green Supply Chain Management is present in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Another point of interest in this paper is the measurement of administrative environment, consumer perception and the actual implementation of such a supply chain into daily operations. This study develops a survey questionnaire based on the reviewed literature about Green Supply Chain Management, and conducts the survey on the employees of companies located in one region of Bosnia and Herzegovina and compares the obtained results with the work of others in this field. The findings in this paper are conclusive and indicate a strong tendency towards complete implementation of Green Supply Chain Management into daily operations of Bosnian production companies, an existence of a supportive administrative environment and the strong willingness of people to adapt measures that are acceptable to the environment and create a smaller social cost. Finally, this paper is a testimony of good intent towards the environment supported and executed by those striving to achieve more efficient and less costly, socially acceptable and environmentally healthy solutions for conducting their business.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1375815580.pdf
Number of views: 1351      Download in PDF

Pedagogical Sciences

4. Štefan Adamčák, Pavol Bartík
Attitudes of 2nd Stage Primary School PupilsTowards Games and Physical Activities Performed in Sport and Physical Education Classes

European Researcher, 2013, Vol.(55), № 7-2, р. 1929-1937.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2013.55.1929CrossRef

This study is concerned with implementing games as one of the methods used in sport and physical education classes at the 2ndlevel stage of primary schools(grades 5th– 9th). Results of the study pointed to the fact that pupils are still very interested in playful activities. These activities are applied in the main part of the sport and physical education classes. Pupils themselves are of the opinion that playing games provides them with a better opportunity to make contact with their classmates more than any other activity, which creates positive conditions for making interpersonal relationships within a group or a class.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1375815671.pdf
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5. Mathivanan. D & clementchileshe
Comparison of Male and Female Differences in Emotional Intelligence Among Trained Univerisities Athletes of Lusaka Province, Zambia

European Researcher, 2013, Vol.(55), № 7-2, р. 1938-1944.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2013.55.1938CrossRef

(Palmer and Stough 2001) defined as Emotional intelligence as ‘the capacity to deal effectively with one’s own and others’ emotions ’Previous empirical studies in this area have indicated that the construct of emotional intelligence provides an athlete with an understanding of their specific emotional competencies, and therefore a better understanding and awareness of how to use emotions in sport. The comparison of the study is to attempt and examine the differences between female and male athletes of Lusaka Province with respect to their emotional intelligence in the selected variables such as Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Motivation, Empathy, Social skills. It was assumed that female athletes would have high emotional intelligence as compared to the male athletes. “Emotional Intelligence Test” developed by Dr. N. K. Chadha (1998) was applied on all of the participants of the study (i.e. 30 female and 40 male athletes).Were selected random for this study Statistical analysis by computation of “t-test” revealed a significant difference in the emotional intelligence of female and male athletes of Lusaka Province. The results confirmed the hypothesis differences in relation to emotional intelligence, findings of the current study indicate that females are more emotionally intelligent than male athletes. The higher level of emotional intelligence of female than male in Lusaka Province are explained in terms of traditional trends, pattern of society and social roles assigned to male and female with respect to African culture in Zambia.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1375815745.pdf
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Psychological Sciences

6. Marek Borowski
Addiction as a Disease

European Researcher, 2013, Vol.(55), № 7-2, р. 1945-1964.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2013.55.1945CrossRef

Addiction – is a mental and physical condition of times resulting from the interaction between a living organism and substance, characterized by changes in behavior and other reactions, which include the necessity of taking the substance continuously or periodically, in order to experience its influence on the psyche, and sometimes to avoid unpleasant symptoms associated with a lack of substance.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1375815831.pdf
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Cultural Studies

7. Alexander V. Fedorov
Moscow Media Education Centers for Non-professionals in the Media Fields

European Researcher, 2013, Vol.(55), № 7-2, р. 1965-1979.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2013.55.1965CrossRef

The analysis of the basic media education models used in Moscow media education centers has shown that nowadays the synthetic media education models are most typical; they are based on the synthesis of the sociocultural, educational and informational, practical and utilitarian models. And they lean towards the maximum usage of media education potential depending on the aims and objectives; they are characterized by variability, and the capacity to entirely or partially integrate into the education process. The suggested media education technology is based as a rule on blocks or modules of creative and role play/gaming assignments for the teachers to use both in school and out-of-school activities. An important peculiarity of the analyzed models is that they have a wide field of application: schools, universities, institutions of additional education and leisure activity. Media studies may be organized in the form of lessons, optional classes, and special courses integrated into different school subjects, or used in school societies.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1375815902.pdf
Number of views: 1508      Download in PDF


8. Rastislav Stojsavljević, Stevan Savić, Dragan Milošević, Sanja Stojanov, Igor Leščešen, Vukica Majstorović
Interpolation and Extrapolation of Precipitation Quantities in Serbia

European Researcher, 2013, Vol.(55), № 7-2, р. 1980-1986.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2013.55.1980CrossRef

The aim of this paper is to indicate the problems with filling the missing data in precipitation database using interpolation and extrapolation methods. Investigated periods were from 1981 to 2010 for Northern (Autonomous Province of Vojvodina) and Proper Serbia and from 1971 to 2000 for Southern Serbia (Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohia). Database included time series from 78 meteorological stations that had less than 20% of missing data. Interpolation was performed if station had missing data for five consecutive months or less. If station had missing data for six consecutive months or more, extrapolation was performed. For every station with mising data correlation with at least three surrounding stations was performed. The lowest acceptable value of correlation coefficient for precipitation was set at 0,300.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1375816030.pdf
Number of views: 1597      Download in PDF

full number
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/issn.2219-8229CrossRef
URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1375816058.pdf
Number of views: 1977      Download in PDF

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