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European Researcher. Series A – международный научный журнал по социальным наукам

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Периодичность – 1 раз в 6 месяцев.
Издается с 2010 года.

Number 1. (in 2 part) November 25, 2014

Economic sciences

1. Liubov Galperina
Main Challenges of Agriculture of Ukraine in Globalization

European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(87), № 11-2, pp. 1996-2004.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2014.87.1996CrossRef

Based on the analysis of the problems of agriculture of Ukraine the author highlighted categories of problems of agriculture in Ukraine and with the help of the Thomas L. Saaty analytic hierarchy process and identified their rating. The next stage of the rating definitions and problems is the pairwise comparisons of each problem category. The first place in the category value is “economic”, the second – “infrastructure”, the third – “social”, and the fourth – “production”, in the last fifth place – “environmental” problems. According to the analysis in each category is provided a list of the main problems of agriculture in Ukraine: small-scale production, insufficient condition of fruit and vegetable warehouses, weakness of non-productive cooperatives, rising unemployment, opacity of land relations, inconsistency with international standards of quality and safety, low investment adaptation of Ukrainian legal acts to EU requirements, unsatisfactory condition of engineering and transport infrastructure of rural settlements, lack of technical support for producers of agricultural machinery and low-sales service, non-compliance with agricultural storage technologies, running state of social infrastructure and other.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1418310178.pdf
Number of views: 1443      Download in PDF

Legal sciences

2. Pyali Chatterjee
Thalaikoothal: the Practice of Euthanasia in the Name of Custom

European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(87), № 11-2, pp. 2005-2012.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2014.87.2005CrossRef

Like any other crime, poverty is also one of the main causes of practicing Thalaikoothal. When Pramila Krishan, Journalist of Deccan Chronicale, came to know about the practices of Thalaikoothal, she was very shocked. And while investigating the matter she found that most of the family members use to kill there parents whom they can’t effort. And the aged people of Virudhunagar, they had accepted this practice of getting unnatural death as there fate as they also think that they have become burden for there children, as every thing in today’s world is costly. Article 21 of Indian Constitution grants Right to life only. According to Article 21 says, “No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law”. Right life under Article 21 does not include Right to die. Right to life is a natural right. The question regarding Right to die first time comes before Bombay High Court in State of Maharashtra v. Maruty Sripati Dubal 1987 Cri LJ 743. And here in this case court declare that Right to Life includes Right to die, thus making Section 309 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 which makes attempt to suicide as punishable offence unconstitutional. But Supreme Court in Gian Kaur v State of Punjab (1996)2 SCC 648, held that Right to life does not include “Right to die” or “Right to be killed”. Thus, attempt to suicide is punishable offence under section 309 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 and it is not unconstitutional to Indian Constitution Art. 21. Right to life is a natural right and right to die is not a natural right and no one has a right to finish their life in unnatural way. Thus, the practice of Thalaikoothal is illegal and unethical.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1418310316.pdf
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Pedagogical sciences

3. Beáta Dobay, Elena Bendíková
School Courses as a Motivational Factor for the Implementation of Active Recreation in Adulthood

European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(87), № 11-2, pp. 2013-2021.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2014.87.2013CrossRef

The motivation of sports occupies an even more important role than actually performing physical activities. The Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic ensures the implementation of several compulsory elective sports courses through different stages of educational institutions. We were curious how these courses - especially school in nature - act upon vacations in adulthood. By examining curricular documents and implementing questionnaire methods – applying ,,Vacation practice questionnaire” - we questioned the Hungarian language speakers of southern Slovakia n = 2965. The data were processed using the statistic program SPSS 17. 84.5 % (p < 0.01), of the canvassed took part in school in nature, from which 65,8 % (p < 0.01), rated the time spent there as positive. Amongst the positively valuing 44,2 % indicated the mountains as a favourite and frequently chosen travel destination. 25 % spends more than four hours hiking. We may say that organizing schools in nature has to be considered as an important event (5-7 days), where the students have fun, wherefore they will choose mountains as their travel destination more frequently, which results in higher physical activity. Listed partial discoveries are included in the grant: VEGA no. 1/0376/14 Physical activity intervention for the prevention of health of the population of Slovakia.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1418310444.pdf
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4. Alexander Fedorov
Media Education: Opinions of Russian Teachers

European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(87), № 11-2, pp. 2022-2034.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2014.87.2022CrossRef

The analysis of the conducted questionnaire among teachers of secondary schools showed that realizing the great importance of the media in the contemporary information society, three quarters of them support the idea of media education at schools and 58% believe that a new major for pedagogical institutes needs to be introduced - “Media Education”. Most of teachers justly think that the combination of the autonomous and integrated media lessons is the most effective way today for the development of media education in Russia, and therefore - for the increase of media literacy of the young generation. However, in spite of the fact that majority of teachers define the aim to develop the critical thinking of the audience as one of the most important, they significantly overestimate the weight of “protectionist” approach to media studies today, and on the contrary, undervalue the goals to develop the democratic thinking of the pupils, their knowledge about theory and history of media and media culture. Moreover, despite of the general support of media education ideas (in theory) expressed by 75 % of the teachers, actually only one third of them use some elements of media education at their lessons (in reality), and one fifth of the group does not integrate it at all. The hardest obstacle on the way of media education into the Russian classrooms is the absence of financial motivation, according to the teachers, though to our point of view, last but not the least is the passive anticipation of the authority’s directives and insufficient level of knowledge of today’s Russian teachers in terms of the theory and methods of media education. Thus, the analysis of the teachers’ questionnaire has given us additional proof for the necessity of the official introduction of the new university-level Major- “Media Education” (namely, Major, because the homonymous Minor was registered in 2002) and media education courses for the students of all pedagogical institutes. Only when the media literate graduates of universities come to work in schools, we will be able to evaluate the position of media education within the curriculum.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1418310578.pdf
Number of views: 1293      Download in PDF

Medical sciences

5. Sribas Goswami, Manjari Sahai
Challenges and Consequences of Preterm Birth

European Researcher, 2014, Vol.(87), № 11-2, pp. 2035-2044.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2014.87.2035CrossRef

Preterm births have been a challenge to obstetricians and paediatricians. Preterm births affect all population irrespective of age, race and economic status due to lack of seriousness and awareness among the pregnant women. Preterm birth is one of the leading causes of infant morbidity and mortality, amounting to billions of dollars each year, thus increasing the cost for health care. Proper awareness programs about preterm birth may help the women population to know and understand better the signs and symptoms of preterm labour. Preterm birth is a complex cluster of problems with a set of overlapping factors of influence. Its causes may include individual-level behavioral and psychosocial factors, neighborhood characteristics, environmental exposures, medical conditions, infertility treatments, biological factors and genetics. Many of these factors occur in combination, particularly in those who are socioeconomically disadvantaged or who are members of racial and ethnic minority groups. The empirical investigation was carried out to draw correlation between preterm birth and eventuality through this study.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1418310680.pdf
Number of views: 1309      Download in PDF

full number
URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1418310972.pdf
Number of views: 1397      Download in PDF

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