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European Researcher. Series A – международный научный журнал по социальным наукам

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Периодичность – 1 раз в 6 месяцев.
Издается с 2010 года.

Number 1. (in 1 part) June 15, 2013

full number
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Physico-mathematical Sciences

2. Liydmila D. Jaroshuk, Oleksii А. Zhuchenko
Identification of Mathematical Model of Polymeric Extrusion Heating-up Mode

The article presents the method of identification of mathematical model, based on the approximation of transient response of second-order integrated component with time delay, which was determined experimentally. Identification efficiency was studied both in the conditions when the random disturbances are missing and when the random measurement noise is present in the output. The study shows high efficiency of the developed identification method.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1373122507.pdf
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3. Zhorzh G. Levitskiy, Zhursyn К. Amanzholov, Assel D. Nurgaliyeva
Interaction of Air Flow in Complex Ventilation Systems

The article presents the results of study of interaction of air flow in complex ventilation systems. The study used Taylor and Maclaurin’s series and Lagrange formula to create the functional connections on estimation of the impact of changing aerodynamic parameters of one or several simultaneously working regulators on the air flow distribution in mines.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1373120381.pdf
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Biological Sciences

4. Ludmila Т. Bazeluk, Nazira М. Duzbaeva, Gulnara R. Khanturina
Temirtau Dust Chronic Exposure on Experimental Animals

The article presents cytomorphological research of rats’ bronchoalveolar fluid, gaster, thyroid, liver and kidneys cells. The experimental results showed that cytotoxic effect on rats’ of both sexes was observed during inhalation of Timirtau (Republic of Kazakhstan) dust in the dose of 0.15 mg/mL for the period of 4 months.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1373120574.pdf
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5. Alexandra Sh. Dodonova, Helen A. Gavril'kova, Margaret Yu. Ishmuratova, Saltanat U. Tleukenova
Morphological and Biological Study of Sanguisorba Officinalis Germination

This work deals with the study of influence of terms and storage conditions on Sanguisorba officinalis seed material quality, put into various containers (paper, plastic, fabric, glass), in the different temperature conditions, light and dark grown. The morphology, biology of Sanguisorba officinalis seeds was described and experiments on cryopreservation were made. Basing on the study, we recommend to store Sanguisorba officinalis seed material within 3 months at a temperature of +4˚С in glass container, use plastic container for cryopreservation and to defreeze seeds by double boiling.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1373120684.pdf
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Economic Sciences

6. Nadezhda K. Serdyukova, Dmitrii A. Serdyukov, Ilona Beliatskaya
Sochi Market Analysis as a Health Tourism Destination

The article considers major characteristics of Sochi market as a health tourism destination, analyses the structure of resort collective accommodation facilities, dynamics of tourist flows and their structure, prevailing kinds of tourism and estimates tourist flows of health tourism in Sochi in 2008-2012. The authors indicate major characteristics and trends of Sochi tourist market development and the prospects of Sochi development as a health tourism destination. The percent of health tourist flow in the general tourist flow of Sochi and the percent of domestic tourist flow in the sector of collective accommodation facilities are estimated. The authors came to the conclusion that to develop tourism in Sochi in post-Games period, it is necessary to promote Sochi as a health tourism destination.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1373120835.pdf
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7. Elena K. Vorobei, Svetlana G. Sidashova
Corporate Accounting Policy Efficiency Improvement

The article is focused on the issues of efficient use of different methods of tax accounting for the optimization of income tax expenses and their consolidation in corporate accounting policy. The article makes reasoned conclusions, concerning optimal selection of depreciation methods for tax and bookkeeping accounting and their consolidation in corporate accounting policy and consolidation of optimal methods of cost recovery in production, considering business environment. The impact of the selected methods on corporate income tax rates and corporate property tax rates was traced and tax recovery was estimated.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1373121020.pdf
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Philological sciences

8. Almagul S. Adilova, Botagoz S. Sateeva
Functions of Case Statements in the Kazakh Text

The article deals with the functioning of universally decisional or foreign statements. Foreign precedent statements in Kazakh texts are used in canonic and modified forms and fulfill connotative, text-forming, informative functions. These quotations, having lost connection with their context not always preserve perception invariant due to the diversity of linguistic competence and cognitive basis of an author or a reader.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1373121179.pdf
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9. Gaukhar I. Issina, Assel Abdkarim
Text Lacunae “Wolves Chase” in Russian-language Version of I.Esenberlin’s Novel “Almas қylysh” (“Bewitched Sword”)

This article is focused on the analysis of the textual lacunae "wolves chase" in the Russian-language version of the novel "Almas қylysh" ("Bewitched Sword") bу I. Esenberlin. Vivid portrayal of this scene elements, combined with the description of the psychological state of the protagonist is artistically presented in the rich stylistics of the novel.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1373121276.pdf
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10. Zhanar Rustemova, Katira Zhakirova
Ratio of Character and Circumstances in the Literary Work

The article analyzes the ratio of characters and circumstances, characters’ conflicts, considered in literary criticism as an integral unity, studies points of view of different literary and aesthetic trends on the basis of significant works by literary scholars. The impact of character on the change of circumstances, creation of circumstances by the heroic character, disclosure of character due to the circumstance are shown.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1373121539.pdf
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11. Zhandos Smagulov, Kalamkas Kalybekova, Zhumageldin Zhanaidar
Problems of Kazakh Literary Criticism Formation

Тhe article is concerned with the problem of scientific research of Kazakh literature formation in national science. Kazakh literature, having long history of formation is classified by periods. Besides, the article thoroughly considers the principles of the study of methodology, theory, history of spiritual heritage in Kazakh literary criticism.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1373121669.pdf
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Pedagogic Sciences

12. Zhanar Ye. Sarsekeyeva, Janat A. Karmanova, Rauana B. Mazhenova, Adilzada M. Sharzadin
Modern Aspects of Teacher Training in Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The article discusses topical problems of teacher vocational training in higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The semantic sphere of future teacher is formed if the pedagogical education includes the system of professional and pedagogical knowledge, concepts of the purpose and nature of educational activities, promoting understanding of professional phenomena and value components of the teaching profession. The article discusses the relationship between the level of general professional training of future teachers and the level of pedagogical skills development, because the better specialist uses the system of general professional skills, the more successful his professional activities are. The analysis of regulatory documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan showed that the system of the higher pedagogical education is an important component of social infrastructure, as training of specialists for the professional activity is fundamental in higher education institutions.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1373121801.pdf
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13. Zhanar Y. Sarsekeyeva, Janat A. Karmanova, Rauana B. Mazhenova, Adilzada M. Sharzadin
Professional Selection of Entrants to Higher Educational Institutions: International Experience

The article deals with the global experience of the professional selection of entrants to higher educational institutions, which is aimed at the provision of qualified contingent of future specialists. This paper attaches great attention to studying the experience of such countries as England, USA, Spain, Switzerland, Finland, Latvia, Estonia. The increase of the percentage of school-leavers, intentionally focused on selection of professional activity gives confidence that the problem of the professional selection of entrants to higher educational institutions will become more important for the future development of the whole educational system. Personal formation of school-leavers as the potential of the nation and the country as a whole will become the thorniest question for the whole society. Professional selection of applicants is based on such principles as democracy, humanity, scientific validity, professional orientation, availability, phasing, massive involvement. The analysis of foreign experience of professional selection of entrants to higher educational institutions showed that the main objective of professional selection is to identify applicant's professional orientation as a leading personality attribute, features of incentive system, abilities, potential for further self-fulfillment in the chosen profession.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1373121912.pdf
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14. Gulnara T. Smagulova
Polylingual Education Realization, Based on Ethnolingual Didactic Approach

The article examines the problems of polylingual education development in the context of the state program documents, particularly determines socio-pedagogical factors of its realization. The author presents the study of current sociolinguistic issues by means of educational measurement. The article gives brief analysis of ethnolingual didactics definitions by different sources. Ethnolingual didactic approach is defined as the strategic methodological feature for the realization of polylingual education, which is the trinity of individual education, upbringing and development as a polylingual personality on the basis of simultaneous acquisition of several languages.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1373121986.pdf
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Legal Sciences

15. Irina S. Iakovets
Optimization of Individual Work with Convicts in Ukraine on the Basis of Convicts’ Behavior Rating

Transformations, taking place in the system of execution of punishments of Ukraine demand change of approaches to work with convicts, basing on the individual features. It demands development of the generalized universal techniques of the assessment of convict’s personal data evaluation. The article, basing on research and study of various sources attempts to present the general scheme of the system of convict’s behavior rating in the course of punishment enduring.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1373122090.pdf
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16. Zagir V. Ataev, Vitaly V. Bratkov
Impact of Long-term Climate Changes on the Piedmont Landscapes of the Northeastern Caucasus

The article analyzes the temporal structure of the piedmont landscapes of the Northeastern Caucasus in terms of climatic changes over the past 60 years, affecting them. Changes of the frequency of state groups, averaged by the 10-year intervals, lead to the conclusion that climate changes mainly affect the winter conditions. Consequently, both their duration and the duration of the whole winter season shortens. A set of conditions and the duration of summer changes much less. Piedmont landscapes in general remain rather stable due to their mosaic structure.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1373122341.pdf
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17. Nikolai A. Bityukov
Experience of Expeditionary Study of Rainwater Runoff Genesis in the Mzymta River Basin

Rainwater runoff design in mountain conditions is topical due to intensive development of mountain slopes for the recreational purposes. The technique of slope runoff study by means of overhead irrigation of small sites is useless due to the rainwater overflow and distortion of test results. The article presents the results of rainwater runoff genesis study by overhead irrigation of the big sites of mountain slopes, used for different economic purposes, which is much closer to the real flood conditions in the basin of Mzymta River.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1373122422.pdf
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