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European Researcher. Series A – международный научный журнал по социальным наукам

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Периодичность – 1 раз в 6 месяцев.
Издается с 2010 года.

Number 4. (in 4 part) May 31, 2013

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Economic Sciences

2. Nataliya Bartashuk, Aleksandra V. Neverova
Currency Wars: Myth and Reality

This article considers the term "currency war", its meaning and the present situation in the world economy. It also contains research and analysis of HSBC's operations in different countries in the devaluation race grouping them according to the participation in currency wars. Along with the benefits of the devaluation of its own currency the actual disadvantages that may reveal afterwards have been identified. This article highlights the different versions of events put forward by the experts in the global economy and analysts. The authors mention the possible problems of ordinary citizens in case of their country's aggressive policy to reduce their national currency. The behavior of the Russian ruble was also discussed in detail according to which the recommendations were given to depositors of banks about their future action in the circumstances. Devaluation race in any case cannot be completed safely but it is possible to avoid excessive losses if the countries achieve international agreement by establishing a new currency regime.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1371288544.pdf
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3. Tamara Lukić, Nevena Ćurčić, Romelić Jovan, Pivac Tatjana, Tanja Armenski
The Region of the Tara Mountain – Entrepreneurial Initiatives

The Tara Mountain is situated on the west border of Serbia. Terrain observation has provided comparative analysis of attractive mountains in Serbia. It has explained the position of the Tara Mountain in different important categories (geographic, touristic etc). Literature sources have helped in the analysis of the past entrepreneurial initiatives. Some important facts are provided by the questionnaire, in the form of the interview. The article has presented entrepreneurial initiatives on the two levels. “Time level” has divided entrepreneurial initiatives on: the time before socialist period, socialist period, then initiatives in the period from 1991 to 1999 and initiatives from the period of transition and owner transformation. “Space level” has differed entrepreneurial initiatives from the two points of view. Depending on the relief, different entrepreneurial initiatives have found “perfect place under the sun” on the different exposure of the Tara Mountain and on the different altitude levels. Short survey of genders and professions of entrepreneurs is given. Synthesis of explorations results has showed some common characteristics of all entrepreneurial initiatives. Data obtained in the Republic Statistic Bureau have used for analyze of tourist circulation in the last ten years. It has contributed illustration of the last results of new entrepreneurial initiatives. The article search the answer on the following questions: How entrepreneurial initiatives contributed to the development of the Tara Mountain? Which entrepreneurial initiatives can improve the quality of life on the Tara Mountain? Using interview, the answer was gotten and formed by locals, tourists and experts.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1371288749.pdf
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4. Irina N. Markaryan, Lubov E. Maluyta, Beslan V. Baratelia
Quality of Tourism and Hospitality Management Systems in Russia

This article describes the features of quality standards (ISO), their application in Russia, analyzes Quality Awards, awarded to Russian producers, such as the Award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of Quality, National Tourism Award named after Yu. Senkevich, Travel Award «Golden Meridian», Moscow “Guiding Star” Award. The objectives of management system for Sochi resorts and hotels were determined.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1371289521.pdf
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Pedagogic Sciences

5. Mathivanan. D & clementchileshe
Effect of Menstrual Cycle on the Exercise Concert of Zambian Female Long Distance Runners

The Focusing of the study is to determine the effect of exercise during menstrual cycle on female long distance runners. The Main objectives of this study were to assess the effect of exercise concert at the period of menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle do not affect muscle contractile characteristics. Most research also reports no changes over the menstrual cycle for the many determinants of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), such as lactate response to exercise, bodyweight, plasma volume, hemoglobin concentration, heart rate and ventilation. Therefore, it is not surprising that the current literature indicates that VO2max is not affected by the menstrual cycle. These findings suggest that regularly menstruating female long distance runners, competing in strength-specific sports and intense anaerobic/aerobic sports, do not need to adjust for menstrual cycle phase to maximize performance. For prolonged exercise performance, however, the menstrual cycle may have an effect. To evaluate that whether the exercise are harmful during menstruation or not, to assess what changes occurs before, during, and after menstruation, and to know the effects of menstruation upon personal performance A questionnaire was developed and distributed among the female long distance runners. The received responses of female long distance runners were tabulated and analyzed. Main findings were that exercises are not harmful during menstruation; personal performances are increased during bleeding days.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1371289621.pdf
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6. M. Kürşad Özlen, Mehmet Özgün
Influencing Factors of Science Olympiad Students’ Success

This research aims to identify the main factors affecting the success of science olympiad students who participate in national and international science olympiads. The collected data is analyzed descriptively after conducting a developed survey. Survey was prepared based on twelve variables with three, four or five measuring items. Among six private high schools of Bosna Sema Educational Institutions in four different cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a total of 136 science olympiad students participated in the survey. SPSS program was used to analyze data. The results indicate extreme agreement levels for probable factors except slight agreement levels for technology use, supervisor, assessment and student’s self efficacy.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1371290158.pdf
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Philological Sciences

7. Wolfgang Schulze
The Formation of Udi Plurals

The East Caucasian languages are marked for rather heterogeneous strategies to form plurals. Typically, we observe larger sets of allomorphs that reflect at least in parts older strategies of semantic-based nominal subcategorization. In addition, we have to refer to distributional criteria related to the phonotactics of the given nouns. The present paper offers a closer inspection of plural formation in Udi and Caucasian Albanian, a possible ancestor of Udi, both from a synchronic perspective and diachronic perspective.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1371290313.pdf
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8. Elena N. Tsay, Olessya V. Tkachenko
Semantic Representatives of the Concept "Happiness"

In the article concept as one of the principle notions of cognitive linguistics is investigated. Considering concept as culture phenomenon, having language realization and ethnocultural peculiarities, the description of the concept “happiness” is presented. Lexical and semantic paradigm of the concept of happiness correlates with a great number of lexical and semantic variants. In the work semantic representatives of the concept of happiness, covering supreme spiritual values are revealed and semantic interpretation of their functioning in the Biblical discourse is given.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1371290404.pdf
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Cultural Studies

9. Alexander V. Fedorov
Western Audiovisual Stereotypes of Russian Image: the Ideological Confrontation Epoch (1946-1991)

This article included the analysis of the Western audiovisual stereotypes of Russian image from the period of ideological confrontation (1946-1991): ideological and social trends, classification of the contents’ models and genres. The content analysis of the western media texts of the period of the “cold war” (1946-1991) allows to present their main plot diagrams as follows: Soviet spies penetrate into the territory of the USA/Western country to commit diversion and/or to worm out military secrets; the USSR prepares a covert attack on the territory of the USA/Western world, creating secret bases with nuclear weapons; the inhuman Soviet totalitarian regime oppresses its own people or the people of any other country; Nonconformity leaves/attempts to leave the USSR where, in their opinion, democracy and individual freedom are being oppressed; common western people explain to Soviet military/civilian visitors who were mislead by propaganda that the USA/Western country is the stronghold of friendship and world-wide prosperity and peace; obstacles connected with the ideological confrontation between the USSR and the Western world appear on the way of a loving couple.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1371290472.pdf
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10. Nemanja Tomić, Milivoj B. Gavrilov, Sanja Božić, Rastislav Stojsavljević, Slobodan B. Marković
The Impact of Hurricane Katrina on the United States Tourism Industry

The goal of this paper is to present hurricane Katrina in all its stages, from the beginning to the end and to highlight the economic, environmental and social consequences that occurred in the hurricane aftermath with a focus on the tourism industry. This paper also briefly explains the basic mechanism of tropical cyclones and hurricanes and their occurrences through a detailed explanation of hurricane Katrina and its effects on the United States. Some attention is also given to the immense damage and aftermath which is the largest ever made by any hurricane.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1371290619.pdf
Number of views: 1893      Download in PDF

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