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European Researcher. Series A – международный научный журнал по социальным наукам

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Периодичность – 1 раз в 6 месяцев.
Издается с 2010 года.

Number 1. (in 1 part) October 15, 2011

01.00.00 Physico-mathematical sciences

1. Alexey S. Ermolaev
Hydrate Kinetics Study and Exhibition Display Preparation
Number of views: 1866      Download in PDF

2. Solomon I. Khmelnik
Principle extremum of full action
Number of views: 1588      Download in PDF

02.00.00 Chemical sciences

3. Nikolay N. Furman, Vladimir V. Vakor
Adherence Junction Destruction Study in Venetian Plaster – Quartz Coat System
Number of views: 1641      Download in PDF

05.00.00 Engineering science

4. Stanislav M. Domnin
Information compatibility automation software of the initial stages of designing products at the mechanical engineering enterprises
Number of views: 1487      Download in PDF

5. Irina B. Haritonova, Lydmila A. Silanteva
Working out of structure and technology of a sour-milk product with addition of a celery and a blackberry syrup
Number of views: 1412      Download in PDF

6. Javanshir Mammadov
Organization of technology park and its structure at high educational school of Azerbaijan
Number of views: 1543      Download in PDF

08.00.00. Economic sciences

7. Natalya А. Derzhavina
Accounting Examination Essence and Purpose
Number of views: 1435      Download in PDF

8. Natalya А. Derzhavina
Forensic Accounting Use for Judicial Acts Pass
Number of views: 1562      Download in PDF

9. Vera A. Molchanova
Modernization of welfare system: from social protection to social development
Number of views: 1578      Download in PDF

10.00.00 Philological sciences

10. Olga Yu. Berseneva
Popular Psychological Pragmatic Discourse of Successful Individual Self-Design: «Personal Effectiveness Mental Space» in Linguorhetoric Paradigm
Number of views: 1752      Download in PDF

11. Nadezhda D. Fedorenko
“Upbringing” Notion Linguistic Conceptualization in K.D. Ushinsky’s Research and Educational Discourse Rhetoric as a Basis of Modern Educational Space Discourse Projection
Number of views: 1500      Download in PDF

12.00.00 Legal sciences

12. Galina E. Dobriakova
Ways to Ensure Obligations Fulfillment in Internet
Number of views: 1551      Download in PDF

13.00.00 Pedagogic sciences

13. Andrey А. Mitskevich, Natalya Е. Glinskaya
Innovative Educational Technologies Use as a Factor of Educational Process Integrity
Number of views: 1541      Download in PDF

14.00.00 Medical sciences

14. Vladimir V. Mykotnix, Ivan J. Trunov, Oksana А. Udovenko, Andrey А. Udovenko
Efficiency of rehabilitation of men of advanced age with cardiovascular diseases by means of adaptive physical training at the sanatorium stage
Number of views: 1662      Download in PDF

17.00.00 Art History

15. Natalia S. Мikhailova
History and Perspectives of the Study of Ethnic Musical Instruments in Karelia
Number of views: 1549      Download in PDF

23.00.00 Political sciences

16. Khayala Ismayilova
Azerbaijani – German political relations (1991–1996)
Number of views: 1776      Download in PDF

24.00.00 Cultural studies

17. Robert V. Koren
Cultural Traditions Humanitarian, Social and System-Ethnical Reflection
Number of views: 1543      Download in PDF

25.00.00 Earth sciences

18. Zagir V. Ataev, Vitaly V. Bratkov
The climatic features and the temporal structure of the foothill landscapes in the Northeastern Caucasus
Number of views: 1723      Download in PDF

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