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European Researcher. Series A – международный научный журнал по социальным наукам

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Периодичность – 1 раз в 6 месяцев.
Издается с 2010 года.

Number 1. (in 1 part) July 15, 2011

07.00.00 Historical sciences

1. Vladimir G. Ivantsov
Urban planning culture within Sochi in the first half of ХХ century
Number of views: 1704      Download in PDF

2. Dmitry A. Makarov, Anvar M. Mamadaliev
Patriotic war of 1812 historiography in pre-revolutionary and soviet periods
Number of views: 1614      Download in PDF

3. Evgeniy V. Novikov
Political, social and economic situation in north Caucasus during Russian empire consolidation
Number of views: 1744      Download in PDF

08.00.00 Economic sciences

4. Natalia S. Semkina
Economic research in Sochi state university: trends, schools and prospects
Number of views: 1786      Download in PDF

12.00.00 Legal sciences

5. Nadezhda I. Biyushkina
Zemstvo self-government crisis in 1870 – early 1880
Number of views: 1408      Download in PDF

6. Nadezhda I. Biyushkina
Mikhail Nikiforovich Katkov’s political and legal views
Number of views: 1655      Download in PDF

7. Nelli G. Makarenko
Theft as a kind of property crime in Russian legislation of XVIII–XX centuries
Number of views: 1539      Download in PDF

8. Marina S. Mishina
Pledge changes in loan offices in XVIII – early XX centuries
Number of views: 1783      Download in PDF

13.00.00 Pedagogic sciences

9. Svetlana V. Kochetkova
Psychological self-improvement mechanisms in sports activities
Number of views: 1429      Download in PDF

10. Marina V. Matienko, Dmitry N. Kirilenko, Ibrahim X. Agabegov, Anastasia K. Deinekina
Problems of regulatory diapason exposure of law enforcement authorities’ employees psychological adaptation
Number of views: 1602      Download in PDF

11. Andrey B. Mednikov
Cadet lawyers applied professional training
Number of views: 1646      Download in PDF

19.00.00 Psychological sciences

12. Nikolay A. Rodin
Human social evolution inception
Number of views: 1513      Download in PDF

23.00.00 Political sciences

13. Alexandra Serbina
Political posters and slogans in the state in transition: the case of Yugoslavia 1981–1991
Number of views: 1680      Download in PDF

14. Azel Zhanibek
The role of electronic media in shaping the country's image
Number of views: 1693      Download in PDF

25.00.00 Sciences about the Earth

15. Elena V. Polyakova
Activity´s on exstraction of diamonds influence in territory of Belomorsko-kulojskoe plateau on condition of forest communities
Number of views: 1673      Download in PDF

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