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European Researcher. Series A – международный научный журнал по социальным наукам

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Периодичность – 1 раз в 6 месяцев.
Издается с 2010 года.

2 December 19, 2023


1. Michel I. Ojovan, Victor L. Shabanov, Natalia V. Muller, Mikhail B. Loshchinin
The Heterogeneity and Evolution of Settlement in Russia from the 19th to the 21st centuries

European Researcher. Series A. 2023. 14(2): 50-108.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2023.2.50CrossRef

Begun in 2010, the study of the nonhomogeneity and evolution of modern settlements was continued through the use of high-resolution density methods, as well as by expanding the spatial and temporal coverage of settlements in Saratov and Novosibirsk oblasts of Russia, as well as in Poltava oblast of Ukraine according to data from the period 2010-2001 in a comparison with provinces of the Russian Empire which are corresponding to them according to information from 1859. The previously discovered phenomena of rapidly decreasing density of villages and the power-law distribution of cities, as well as the fall of density, cut by separated peaks at the beginning of power-law trend of modern cities, were confirmed. An exponential decline in the density of villages was discovered in statistics of provinces and oblasts. A huge dome of farmsteads with an exponentially decreasing density was discovered in the statistics of Poltava province, as well as a rough peak in the density of farmsteads in the statistics of Saratov province, but no signs of an increase in the density of farmsteads were found in the statistics of Tomsk province. The urban power-law trend extrapolated to the left and up pierces the dome of villages on the graphs of Tomsk and Saratov provinces, but passes above the dome of villages on the graphs of the oblasts, which is interpreted as the loss of the organic relation of modern cities with villages due to the depletion of internal migration of the population from villages to cities. A formula is derived and an evaluation of the flow of rural migration is given. Power-law distributions of cities have an exponent of about minus 2.3 and start from settlements of about 1,200 inhabitants in Tomsk province and over 7 thousand ones in Saratov province. The settlements of Poltava province did not form a power-law distribution of their cities, and the line of cities distribution is only a continuation of the exponentially decreasing density of large villages. In addition to the fall of density in the interval of the smallest cities, the power-law distributions of medium-sized and large modern cities demonstrate two intervals with different exponents: first, the index is noticeably less than minus 2, and then noticeably more than minus 2. Specific patterns of depopulation or population growth were discovered in the three named urban intervals and an analytical model of variation in the indexes was proposed based on the hypothesis of a two-phase composition of the hierarchy. It is shown theoretically that the power-law distribution of cities with an index of minus 2 can arise due to the urban building mission of business and be supported by the flow of rural migrants. The mutual independence of farmsteads and villages and, conversely, the mutual dependence of cities united in a hierarchy are emphasized. A hypothesis about the deterioration of city formation while facilitating survival is proposed and motivated. A conclusion is drawn about the progressive degradation of modern settlements system.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1705942483.pdf
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2. Anna V. Shutova
Clothing as a Way to Date Photographic Documents of Europe and America from the period 1900–1920

European Researcher. Series A. 2023. 14(2): 109-116.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2023.2.109CrossRef

This article examines the role of clothing in dating photographic documents taken in Europe and North America between 1900 and 1920. Specific changes in the silhouette of women's clothing that occur approximately every five years are considered. Thanks to the comparative analytical method, it was concluded that social, economic and cultural changes largely influence clothing and fashion trends. Analysis of clothing in photographs of the 1920s is a valuable source of information for studying fashion trends and social changes at the time. Short skirts, luxurious jewelry and new styles of men's clothing all reflect people's desire for freedom, comfort and individuality. It is important to note that clothing in photographs may be limited in its representativeness. Some people may have worn outdated styles or simple clothing that did not reflect current trends. In addition, fashion could spread heterogeneously and vary depending on geographical location and social context. In addition, false photographic documents can be created, so dating based on clothing should be carried out, for example, to clarify dates obtained by another method. However, the analysis of clothing in photographic documents from the period 1900–1920 provides valuable information for historians, anthropologists and anyone interested in this era. It allows you to more accurately date photographs, reveal the social status of people and track changes in social values and fashion trends. This makes clothing an integral tool for gaining a deeper understanding of the past.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1705352499.pdf
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3. Yulia V. Popova
Reflection of the Stakhanov’s Movement in the Newspaper “Izhevskaya Pravda” for 1937

European Researcher. Series A. 2023. 14(2): 117-121.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2023.2.117CrossRef

Propaganda in the USSR was one of the ways to show Soviet power to the people and its path to socialism. The party attached great importance to socio-economic competition among workers, which began after the feat of Alexei Stakhanov in August 1935. Thus, the publication of the exploits of the workers of the Stakhanov’s movement is one of the methods of propaganda. The Stakhanovites were ideals, the way a real communist should be, so they received a lot of attention in the periodicals. Despite the many sources on the Stakhanov’s movement, not many analyzed it from the newspapers of the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Since 1918, the newspaper “Izhevskaya Pravda” was published in the UASSR, which also reflected the role of the Stakhanov’s movement. The work analyzes issues of Izhevskaya Pravda for the beginning of 1937 and how the articles reflected the Stakhanovites, their work and competition among factories. One can notice the active propaganda of the Stakhanov’s movement. Stakhanovites are heroes for more than one day. These are people who have mastered technology, mastered it and are able to squeeze everything out of it. Looking through each issue of the newspaper for 1937, one can notice the mention of the Stakhanovites, their successes, praise from society and the desire to imitate these heroes of labor.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1705352648.pdf
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4. Yana Yu. Zakharova
Propaganda in the Newspaper “Molodoy Bolshevik” for 1937

European Researcher. Series A. 2023. 14(2): 122-124.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2023.2.122CrossRef

During Soviet times, the word “propaganda” was often used. Most of it was carried out through the media. It was especially common in newspapers, since periodicals were the main and most popular source of information. This article examines the newspaper “Molodoy Bolshevik”. The novelty of the work is that no one has previously analyzed the word “propaganda” in newspapers. Therefore, the purpose of writing the article is to identify propaganda in the newspaper “Molodoy Bolshevik” and the context in which the word “propaganda” was mentioned. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that it can be used in the study of historical events of the 1930s, as well as in the study of party and anti-religious propaganda in newspapers. The analysis can be used by students, teachers, and researchers interested in the history of the Soviet period and the peculiarities of propaganda in periodicals.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1705352701.pdf
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5. Aleksandr A. Cherkasov
Cherkasovs (Keretskys): Klavdiya Ivanovna Cherkasova (1949–2019)

European Researcher. Series A. 2023. 14(2): 125-135.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2023.2.125CrossRef

The paper pays attention to one of the representatives of the female line of the Cherkasov family from Keret, Klavdiya Ivanovna Cherkasova (1949–2019). This work is the first attempt to summarize the available information and write a biographical work about this person. The materials of personal origin were the main source, namely the memories of Klavdiya Ivanovna Cherkasova by her son and the author of this work, Aleksandr Arvelodovich Cherkasov. The work pays attention not only to the main milestones of life (birth, marriage, major achievements, etc.), but also to the philosophical worldview, behavioral models and even such a genre as a historical anecdote. The personal documents of Klavdiya Ivanovna Cherkasova (work book, personal photos, etc.) were also used. The archival materials are of secondary importance in the work, for example, the documents of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (Moscow, Russian Federation). The author concludes that the biographical work about the life of Klavdiya Ivanovna Cherkasova (1949–2019) is the story of a simple woman from the village of Keret, who lived a hard life, becoming a single mother at the age of 25 with two children, who worked two or three jobs and despite this remained unbroken and not discouraged. The reasons for this were laid down in her character – in the character of a strong person who had a clear understanding of life: “It is important that everything is on the mind” and “create as few problems as possible”. However, perhaps the most important thing in her character was the preservation of a sense of youth throughout her life – “life has passed, but I am young at heart”. This was exactly what she was – she clearly knew the price of loyalty and did not forgive lies, straightforward and not making a deal with her own conscience.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1705417949.pdf
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6. Yana A. Vasilyeva, Nikolay W. Mitiukov
The Content Analysis of the Propaganda Content of the Newspaper “Udmurtskaya Pravda” in the early 1980-s

European Researcher. Series A. 2023. 14(2): 136-140.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13187/er.2023.2.136CrossRef

Analysis of the propaganda content of newspapers, in connection with the Special Military Operation, began to take first place. Timely identification of extremist content, as well as content promoting drugs and non-traditional family values, has become an urgent task for special regulatory authorities. This predetermined the active use of content analysis methods. However, the developed methods and techniques can be very useful for historical science, for example, for assessing the content of Soviet newspapers. The main material of the study was the content of the November issues of the newspaper “Udmurtskaya Pravda” for 1980–1982, as the issues with the greatest “propaganda pumping”. The main method was content analysis. Since the percentage of newspaper columns remained virtually unchanged during the period under review, we can talk about the representativeness of the sample. The content of the issues showed that Soviet propaganda in them had changed dramatically compared to Soviet newspapers before the 1960s. In connection with the construction of “developed socialism” and the formation of a new historical community, the “Soviet people,” which had a much higher cultural and educational level, the primitive “active” methods of early Soviet propaganda were obviously considered ineffective. As a result, the newspaper demonstrates a transition to “passive” methods of demonstrating the successes of socialist construction.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1705352780.pdf
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URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1714680157.pdf
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