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European Researcher. Series A – международный научный журнал по социальным наукам

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Периодичность – 1 раз в 6 месяцев.
Издается с 2010 года.

2 December 02, 2022


1. Jacob Owusu Sarfo, Timothy Pritchard Debrah, Newton Isaac Gbordzoe, Paul Obeng
Types of Sampling Methods in Human Research: Why, When and How?

European Researcher. Series A. 2022. 13(2): 55-63.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2022.2.55CrossRef

A sample is a representative portion of the larger population. In research, sampling is the process of acquiring this subset from a population. Due to the importance of sampling in research circles, there have been several debates over the usefulness of one method across disciplines and research methods. This paper focused primarily on illuminating the basic understanding of the popular types of sampling techniques. We looked at the probability and non-probability types of sampling, the reasons for choosing them, and their advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, we raised some arguments concerning selecting a type of sampling technique and the usefulness of choosing them. We hope this paper serves as an essential guide to researchers and students in making the right decisions about sampling techniques.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1670580200.pdf
Number of views: 195      Download in PDF

2. Victor L. Shabanov, Michel I. Ojovan, Natalia V. Muller, Mikhail B. Loshchinin
Bimodality of Income Distribution in Household Budget Surveys of the Saratov Region in 2018

European Researcher. Series A. 2022. 13(2): 64-78.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2022.2.64CrossRef

The bimodal distribution of the mass of households in the Saratov region by income in the statistics of the budget survey in 2018, almost two decades after its first discovery, is again confirmed. Two equilibrium density maxima give grounds to identify two objective ways of individual or family life and two objective socio-economic groups, which the authors tend to call (1) a group or a mode of survival and (2) a group or a mode of prosperity. In the villages of the Saratov region in 2018, the number of participants in survival mode was slightly larger than in prosperity one, but the last prevailed in cities. Compared with the budget surveys of households in the Saratov region in 1998–2000, both modes in 2018 are confidently reproduced, significantly shifted to higher incomes and expanded, especially the second mode and especially in cities. At the same time, the second mode is fully formed and separated from the first mode in the statistics of rural households. The heuristic and fundamental nature of the phenomenon of bimodality is emphasized: traditional ideas about the social structure and its characteristics are the subject for revision, including the survival will have to be recognized as a manner of life and the most important social group, and the concept of the middle class will have to be called speculative and unobservable; it will be possible to measure the average income in each mode separately instead of meaningless averaging of income over the whole society. The formation of a statistically continuous image of a social community through the distribution density function and the control of the historical continuity of this image are proposed as a criterion for the quality of output data of statistical agencies.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1670580210.pdf
Number of views: 120      Download in PDF

3. Yurii I. Verbin, Vladimir I. Shapovalov
Improving the Motivation System of Personnel of Sanatorium-Resort State-Owned Organizations

European Researcher. Series A. 2022. 13(2): 79-87.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2022.2.79CrossRef

Labor is the main factor of production of any economic organization, regardless of the form of ownership and industry affiliation. Motivation of work is one of the main functions of modern management. In modern economic conditions, the ability of management personnel to make the right decisions on the diagnosis of personnel motivation based on a deep understanding of the company's activities and significant changes in the characteristics of the external environment is considered especially important. The staff represents the competitive wealth of enterprises, which must be developed together with other resources to achieve strategic goals. The competitiveness of an enterprise, along with technologies and methods of production organization, is determined by the availability of professional personnel, the level of motivation, working conditions that allow achieving a high level of competitiveness of both employees and the economic organization as a whole. In this regard, the improvement of the personnel motivation management system is of particular importance. The growth of labor productivity in the qualitative aspect in sanatorium-resort organizations is largely due not so much to the material and technical base of production as to the optimally functioning system of staff motivation. The labor productivity of employees of a sanatorium-resort organization, which is in state ownership, can be increased by improving the technology for managing the motivation of medical staff.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1670580218.pdf
Number of views: 116      Download in PDF

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URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1670580270.pdf
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