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European Researcher. Series A – международный научный журнал по социальным наукам

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Периодичность – 1 раз в 6 месяцев.
Издается с 2010 года.

Number 1. (in 1 part) April 01, 2011

07.00.00 Historical sciences

1. Ekaterina А. Babkina, Anvar M. Mamadaliev
Russian nobility problems in XVIII century
Number of views: 1543      Download in PDF

2. Lidzhi N. Bambushev, Anvar M. Mamadaliev
Tuapsinskaya defensive operation in soviet and post-soviet historiography
Number of views: 1567      Download in PDF

3. Kseniya V. Voshchenko
Contemporary slavic studies in Australia
Number of views: 1597      Download in PDF

4. Ivan A. Ermachkov, Alexander A. Cherkasov, Vyacheslav I. Menjkovsky
Sochi transport system in 1950s – early 1960s: projects and realization
Number of views: 1536      Download in PDF

5. Еvgeny F. Krinko, Galina М. Romanova, Irina Yu. Cherkasova
Sochi in pre-revolutionary period: resort complex development
Number of views: 1519      Download in PDF

6. Vera Е. Pshenichnaya, Olga V. Natolochnaya
Sochi in 1930s: official ideology and implementation realities
Number of views: 1433      Download in PDF

7. Natalya Yu. Shagaeva, Olga V. Natolochnaya
Historical sources classification at history lessons: methodologists’ view
Number of views: 1498      Download in PDF

08.00.00 Economic sciences

8. Inna V. Buzyakova, Mikhail M. Iolin, Evgeniya V. Vidishcheva
Astrakhan’s transport infrastructure development
Number of views: 1476      Download in PDF

9. Leonid G. Kim
Conceptual foundations of business education in Russia
Number of views: 1542      Download in PDF

10. Nataliya S. Matyushchenko, Darya A. Pushkareva
Development of outsourcing higher educational establishment marketable business system
Number of views: 1496      Download in PDF

11. Merab S. Sichinava, Evgeniya V. Vidishcheva, Marina V. Kogan
RF merger and acquisition market
Number of views: 1507      Download in PDF

12. Inna V. Buzyakova, Anastasia G. Konyakhina
Globally minded person in the epoch of globalization
Number of views: 1502      Download in PDF

10.00.00 Philological sciences

13. Аlexandra A. Vorozhbitova
Program of professional linguistic personality study in linguo-rhetorical paradigm: scientist-philologist and classic writer
Number of views: 1640      Download in PDF

14. Olga V. Gorik
Phraseological units connotative possibilities in Ven. Erofeev’s works and diaries
Number of views: 1625      Download in PDF

15. Alevtina N. Demidenko, Iya B. Bagaturiya
Visual and verbal perception synthesis in D.G. Rossetti’s sonnets and pictures
Number of views: 1587      Download in PDF

16. Alevtina N. Demidenko, Elizaveta Yu. Pshenitsyna
Specifity of central character’s image creation in L. Sterne’s work ‘the life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman’
Number of views: 1508      Download in PDF

17. Larisa N. Kuznetsova
M.Yu. Lermontov’s linguistic/literary personality through perspective of linguistic personality perception by philologist V.V. Vinogradov
Number of views: 1438      Download in PDF

18. Marina M. Mishina
Linguistic/literary personality of vers libre author as a special type
Number of views: 1433      Download in PDF

19. Nataliya I. Permyakova
Eventive media concept «Sochi Olympics»: respondents’ reactions and mass media contexts comparative analysis
Number of views: 1457      Download in PDF

20. Lidiya L. Romanenko
Daniil Andreev’s esoteric discourse elocution features
Number of views: 1557      Download in PDF

21. Oleg V. Skulkin
Rhetorical ethos of masculine gender ideal in men’s glossy magazines discourse
Number of views: 1500      Download in PDF

22. Anita B. Tikhonova
Elocution aspects of Russian cosmism philosophy discourse
Number of views: 1495      Download in PDF

23. Nadezhda D. Fedorenko
Scientific discourse as modern linguistics inquiry subject
Number of views: 1881      Download in PDF

24. Svetlana А. Shapkina
Some aspects of ‘Literary regional study’
Number of views: 1396      Download in PDF

25. Svetlana А. Shapkina, Ninel К. Kovalchuk
V.G. Belinsky about role of literature in children’s upbringing (dedicated to 200 years since birth)
Number of views: 1472      Download in PDF

12.00.00 Legal sciences

26. Elena A. Ivanova
Financial risks insurance in Russian travel industry (continuation)
Number of views: 1482      Download in PDF

27. Evgeniya V. Tutinas
Legal foundations of All-Russian resorts association activity as subject of resort industry state management
Number of views: 1482      Download in PDF

28. Eldar R. Hisamov
Feature ratification procedures in some cis countries
Number of views: 1568      Download in PDF

13.00.00 Pedagogic sciences

29. Galina М. Konovalova, Тatyana V. Voskoboynikova, Irina А. Mushkina, Natalya V. Borodina
Inclusive education foreign experience and Russian realities
Number of views: 1619      Download in PDF

30. Zhanna P. Pavlova
Disciplinary maintenance of process of overcoming of deformations of professional-pedagogical authentication of future teachers
Number of views: 1480      Download in PDF

31. Zhanna P. Pavlova
PPI-centered technology as way to overcome professional-pedagogic identification deformations of future teachers
Number of views: 1389      Download in PDF

23.00.00 Political sciences

32. Olga A. Kryzhanovskaya, Svetlana V. Petrova
Ethno-cultural component in Sochi residents’ geopolitical consciousness
Number of views: 1459      Download in PDF

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