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European Researcher. Series A – международный научный журнал по социальным наукам

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Периодичность – 1 раз в 6 месяцев.
Издается с 2010 года.

Number 1. (in 1 part) March 01, 2011

07.00.00 Historical sciences

1. Elena S. Antonyan, Olga V. Natolochnaya
Russian historians of mongol invasion impact on Russian culture and law
Number of views: 1512      Download in PDF

2. Stanislau A. Habrusevich
The studies on the foreighn intervention on the European north of Russia in the postwar soviet historiography (1945–1991)
Number of views: 1391      Download in PDF

3. Olga V. Gzhibovskaya
Woman’s hagiographic type in XIX – early ХХ century historiography
Number of views: 1722      Download in PDF

4. Olesya А. Kukharenko
F.A. Shcherbina’s life and works (1849–1936)
Number of views: 1461      Download in PDF

5. Yury N. Makarov
Youth orthodox religious organizations in post-revolutionary period
Number of views: 1464      Download in PDF

6. Natalya V. Nesvit, Olga V. Natolochnaya
Historians and philisophers of personality’s role in history
Number of views: 1542      Download in PDF

7. Ekaterina G. Sakovich
Contemporary Russian historiography of the German policy of the USSR (1953–1964)
Number of views: 1861      Download in PDF

08.00.00 Economic sciences

8. Stanislav V. Koshcheev
Organization-economic mechanizm of forming innovative systems (health-resort sector case-study)
Number of views: 1762      Download in PDF

09.00.00 Philosophic sciences

9. Valery V. Shaparenko
Western civilization in comparative historical views of historical multiculturalizm founders
Number of views: 1386      Download in PDF

10.00.00 Philological sciences

10. Ludmila N. Belyaeva
Linguorhetorical aspects of prose and poetry interaction in literary discourse: synergetic approach
Number of views: 1436      Download in PDF

11. Rimma А. Davtyan, Тamara М. Filonenko
Phraseological transformations role and significance in political discourse
Number of views: 1770      Download in PDF

12. Marina A. Cruz
Pedagogical possibilities detention centers juvenile offenders
Number of views: 1421      Download in PDF

13. Elena N. Ryadchikova, Olga V. Telegina
Vocabulary – semantics – consciousness: scientific-analitical review
Number of views: 1661      Download in PDF

14. Natalya N. Fedorova
Andrey Voznesensky’s poetic graphics
Number of views: 1419      Download in PDF

12.00.00 Legal sciences

15. Artem G. Zadykyan, Anvar M. Mamadaliev
Russian genetics legal problems
Number of views: 1416      Download in PDF

16. Suren S. Zadykyan, Anvar M. Mamadaliev
Death penalty in Russia: origin, contemporary state, suitability
Number of views: 1433      Download in PDF

17. Elena A. Ivanova
Financial risks insurance in Russian travel industry
Number of views: 1462      Download in PDF

18. Natalya V. Lebedeva, Natalya А. Vorobeva
International regulatory acts as sources of constitutional law in Russian Federation
Number of views: 1429      Download in PDF

19. Natalya V. Lebedeva, Elena V. Ivneva
Legal regulation and legal pressure: notions correlation
Number of views: 1461      Download in PDF

20. Irina М. Prilepskaya
Civil relations legal regulation method
Number of views: 1392      Download in PDF

13.00.00 Pedagogic sciences

21. Nailya Sh. Sifutdinova
Future teachers’ training improvement: preparation for unified state examination as methodological problem
Number of views: 1456      Download in PDF

22. Nailya Sh. Sifutdinova
Philology students training to conduct school leaving examinations
Number of views: 1760      Download in PDF

19.00.00 Psychological sciences

23. Irina N. Makarova
Sochi residents’ social and psychological preparedness for winter Olympic games 2014 positive perception
Number of views: 1425      Download in PDF

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