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European Researcher. Series A – международный научный журнал по социальным наукам

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Периодичность – 1 раз в 6 месяцев.
Издается с 2010 года.

7 July 31, 2015

Economic sciences

1. Elvisa Buljubašić, Erkan Ilgȕn
Impact of Accounting Information Systems on Decision Making Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

European Researcher, 2015, Vol.(96), Is. 7, pp. 460-469.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2015.96.460CrossRef

In the market economy, the way in which company is managed and developed is extremly important, because every wrong or misleading decision comes at a high price. Therefore each decision that management brings should be based on precise, qualitative, timely and unambiguous information. In order to serve its purpose, after information are collected they are processed, classified and stored within the company. For effective and efficient information processing it is necessary to have an integrated set of components, called an information system. Undoubtedly, significant role in information processing for effective decision making, belongs to accounting information system. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to analyze the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina related to the use and adoption of accounting information system and it's impact on decision making process. Questionnaire distributed to the business organizations and interviews with the managers, as a data collection method, will be used. Statistical and graphical methods will be used to demonstrate findings.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1438773045.pdf
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2. Sribas Goswami
Exploitation of labour: A study of Migrant labourers in West Bengal

European Researcher, 2015, Vol.(96), Is. 7, pp. 470-479.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2015.96.470CrossRef

Migrant workers, who constitute a major work force, in the unorganized sector, face various psychological stresses and arrive in an aggravated mental position due to their habit of using different varieties of intoxicants. The researcher’s attempt in this paper is to find out the connection of addiction- related stress and social disintegration of the migrant workers with the wide web of exploitation of labour through an empirical analysis. The intoxicants are the only medium for the migrants to leave the sufferings behind them for a time being. This paper highlights the push factors as the fabricated trap to exploit the migrants physically, socially and mentally for surplus production with cheap labour.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1438773159.pdf
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3. Galina Ju. Koblianska
Important Aspects of Controlling

European Researcher, 2015, Vol.(96), Is. 7, pp. 480-489.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2015.96.480CrossRef

The article considers controlling as a new management concept, generated by the practice of modern management in the construction industry. Organizational and methodological framework is studied in terms of assessing the success of construction projects. A set of key performance indicators (KPI) is developed based on a literature review and the practice of local companies. These figures are considered in close connection with the information environment of its existence – the administrative account and the prism of a general model of controlling. It reflects a way of introduction of indicators of achievement and success of construction projects in wages. Technical capabilities of the domestic market are analyzed to ensure the information unity of all components of the model considered controlling.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1438773243.pdf
Number of views: 1086      Download in PDF

Social sciences

4. Silvia О. Gomanova
Ecological Lifestyle of Residents of the Modern City

European Researcher, 2015, Vol.(96), Is. 7, pp. 490-501.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2015.96.490CrossRef

This scientific article is devoted to the urgent problem of understanding and formation of ecological way of life of the citizens. According to the results of theoretical and methodological analysis a structure and the concept of ecological lifestyle (ELS) were proposed. As a result of the pilot study identified four groups of respondents with respect to ELS and the major factors influencing its formation.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1438773346.pdf
Number of views: 1107      Download in PDF

Pedagogical sciences

5. Alexander Fedorov
Iconographic Analysis of Media Texts on Media Literacy Education Classes

European Researcher, 2015, Vol.(96), Is. 7, pp. 502-510.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2015.96.502CrossRef

Iconographic analysis is associative analysis of the media texts’ images (eg, water, fire - as symbols of purity and destruction) associated with the semiotic analysis. Art historians, scientists, semiotics, media theorists and practitioners of media education have written thousands of volumes, which convincingly proved that the decoding / decoding of audio-visual images sometimes difficult, requiring considerable knowledge and skills of the process of intellectual and creative work. Iconographic analysis of media texts based on the key concept of media language, and suggests that media education aims to develop knowledge of the ways in which media texts express his idea, and develop the knowledge, improving skills of textual analysis that can be attached to fixed or moving images recorded on the medium of sound or any combination of the above. The initial stage of the iconographic analysis of media texts offer students concentrate on careful perception of audiovisual images on the description of their characteristic features. The audience learns conventional codes of media texts, followed by a smooth transition to the interpretation and evaluation of media texts. As a result, the audience media competence is developing in relation to visual images.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1438773457.pdf
Number of views: 1155      Download in PDF

6. U. Wali, I.A. Musa
GIS as a Tool for Education Decision Support System: A Demonstration with Public Primary Schools in Zaria City Kaduna State Nigeria

European Researcher, 2015, Vol.(96), Is. 7, pp. 511-522.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2015.96.511CrossRef

This paper aimed at demonstrating the use of GIS in the display of data about primary schools in the walled part of Zaria city, Kaduna State. It is hoped that the database and its graphic display in maps will guide decision making at the primary education level in the study area. Coordinates of the schools were obtained with a handheld GPS receiver, while their attribute data were obtained from the local education authority and triangulated with questionnaires administered to the headmasters of the schools. ArcGIS 9.2 version software was used for buffer zone (1 km). The result indicates that there are 31 public primary schools in the study area. The oldest was established in 1921 and the latest in 2007. Graphic displays of some attributes of the schools were produced. The buffer zones produced suggest no pupil walks more than a kilometer to reach school. It is recommended that in the future, GIS tools should be applied when managing school data. Capacities to achieve this should be developed.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1438773569.pdf
Number of views: 1472      Download in PDF

full number
URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1438773611.pdf
Number of views: 1395      Download in PDF

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