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European Researcher. Series A – международный научный журнал по социальным наукам

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Периодичность – 1 раз в 6 месяцев.
Издается с 2010 года.

6 June 30, 2015

Historical Sciences and archaeology

1. Anna A. Kudrina, Artjom A. Fomenkov, Olga S. Rybkina
Creative Heritage of S. N. Semanov as a Historical Source on the Political History USSR of the 1970th – the 1980th

European Researcher, 2015, Vol.(95), Is. 6, pp. 416-420.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2015.95.416CrossRef

In work is considered various works of the prominent Soviet writer and journalist, the convinced Russian national patriot as a historical source. There are revealed the reason of the importance of memoirs and reflections of public figures of the late Soviet era as historical sources. The most significant aspects of a creative heritage of S.N. Semanov for modern historians are defined. The important historical events which found reflections in S. N. Semanov's works are specified.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1436095357.pdf
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Economic sciences

2. Marina V. Kogan, Il'ya A. Boytsun
About Some Aspects of Development of the Domestic Market of Services of the Waterway Transport

European Researcher, 2015, Vol.(95), Is. 6, pp. 421-428.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2015.95.421CrossRef

One of fundamental factors of development of national economy in modern conditions is a transport complex of the country. The analysis shows, historically raising of many developed countries in many respects was provided with concentration of the state transport policy on optimization of conditions for creation of mass, large-scale transportations that is caused by the acceleration of technical progress involving the growing need of economy for increase in speed of transportations, the tonnage of vehicles, etc. Territorial reserves of Russia demand harmonious development of all transport complex, including, railway, automobile, air, water. Shows world experiment, in the countries with such abundance of the rivers, waterways as in Russia one of decisive factors of growth of volumes of transportation of goods and passengers, increase of efficiency of deliveries in scales of all national economy, is the maximum use of a water transport which, other things being equal, manages to the state tens times cheaper than the contents automobile and the railroads. Currently time for the domestic market of transport services, unlike world, lack of close integration and interrelations in the form of commodity transport complexes with presence of managing directors of the transport centers influencing formation of tariff policy is characteristic. At the same time the analysis of productivity of a package of measures of tax support of navigation in the Russian Federation, implementation of the FTP "Development of transport system of Russia (2010 - 2020gody)" according to the Concept of long-term social and economic development of the country till 2020 shows their efficiency that is confirmed by positive dynamics of indicators of economic activity of shipping companies, revival of ship-building branch, existence of multiplicative effect due to development of allied industries, revival of business, creation of additional workplaces.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1436095444.pdf
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3. Nejmeddine Abdellatif Ben, Aida Arjoun, Sonia Belhadj, Nejib Belhabib
The Relationship of the Collective Effectiveness with the Leadership in a Group Work: a Project in the Field of Health

European Researcher, 2015, Vol.(95), Is. 6, pp. 429-441.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2015.95.429CrossRef

Based on the work of Bandura, the four effectiveness training sources were examined with respect to the frequency and the perception of a hospital staff. In a context of a group work, where there is no assigned leader, the collective effectiveness of groups is not considered only in case there is a relationship with the individual features of leadership. In adddition to the relationship between the existence of an identified group leader and the collective effectiveness of the group, the relationship between collective effectiveness and the group performance result was also examined. The results of the investigation and the interview showed that the control experience was the most frequent and powerful source of effectiveness among the four sources. Moreover, groups with identified leader showed a greater collective effectiveness rtaher than groups without leaders. The level of groups’ collective efficeffectiveness also showed a positive correlation with the groups' performance result.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1436095550.pdf
Number of views: 1539      Download in PDF

Pedagogical Sciences

4. Alexander Fedorov
Critical Analysis of Media Violence Text on the Media Education Lessons

European Researcher, 2015, Vol.(95), Is. 6, pp. 442-450.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2015.95.442CrossRef

The media violence is the important problem for education. Based on of Len Masterman’s media education theory of critical thinking and the methods of Umbeto Eco, the author of this article selected the following significant items for the analysis of media texts: author's ideology; socio-cultural, market and political environment, the process of creating a media text, audience perceptions, structure and narrative techniques. This approach is quite corresponds to the method of media texts analysis, building on media literacy education aspects such as media agencies, media / media text categories, media technologies, media languages, media representations and media audiences, because all these concepts are directly related to the ideological, socio-cultural and structural aspects.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1436095617.pdf
Number of views: 1206      Download in PDF

Philological Sciences

5. Manana Napireli
The Onomastic Phraseological Units in the Works of I.V. Goethe (Compiled By Authors «German Onomastic Phraseological Dictionary»)

European Researcher, 2015, Vol.(95), Is. 6, pp. 451-456.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2015.95.451CrossRef

In the given work we’ve got interested in one of the branch of linguistics, onomastics, actually, onomastical phraseology. The research of the onomastical field concerns the proper nouns. This trend of linguistics is very actual in our modern words and attracts much attention. Although, the research of proper nouns comes from the ancient time. The aim of our study is to find those quotes from the works of the greatest representative of German classical literature I.V. Goethe, which possess the proper nouns that became the phraseological units and expressions. The work of I.V. Goethe seems to be very interesting from the point of onomastical phraseology. We’ve revealed 12 onomastical expression; 8 in “Phaust” and 4 in defferent writings.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1436095696.pdf
Number of views: 1114      Download in PDF

full number
URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1436095711.pdf
Number of views: 1168      Download in PDF

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