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European Researcher. Series A – International Journal of Social Science

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Publication frequency – once in 6 months.
Has been issued since 2010.

Number 1. (in 2 part) November 15, 2013

Technical Sciences

1. Stanislav A. Kudzh, Viktor Ya. Tsvetkov
Geoinformatics Ontologies

The article analyzes geoinformatics ontologies as an acknowledgement instrument, reveals ontology structure, describes types of ontologies in geoinformatics, shows that the ontology is an acknowledgement instrument and a means of interdisciplinary knowledge transfer.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1386019803.pdf
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2. Victor Ya. Tsvetkov
Information Interaction

The article describes the information interaction as a process-information model, shows the difference between informing, information influence and information interaction, describes the properties of information interaction, defines the concept of cognitive information interaction.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1386019866.pdf
Number of views: 1192      Download in PDF

Historical Sciences and Archaeology

3. Natalia A. Skobelina
Development of Social Movements in Russia in XVII–XXI Centuries

The article is concerned with social movements in Russia. The development of movements in XVII–XXI centuries is analyzed: 1) XVII–XVIII centuries – period of popular movements, 2) XIX – early XX centuries – period of revolutionary movements, 3) 1917 – in early 1980s – period of the communist movement, 4) from late 1980s – early 1990s – period of prevalence of protest movements, 5) in early 1990s – 2000 – period of proto-parties movements, 6) from 2001 through the present – period of specific target and network movements. Special attention is paid to new trends of development of movements in the given periods. It is based on historiography material and Russian laws. The article examines the typical peculiarities of modern social movements in XX–XXI centuries. They represent the difficult structures which elements are distinguished by content and orientation. Russian laws define the direction of development.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1386020027.pdf
Number of views: 1267      Download in PDF

Economic Sciences

4. Olena V. Stolyarenko
Main Directions of Resort Industry Pricing Improvement, Considering Seasonal Factor

The article studies the problem of resort industry pricing improvement and its solution, considering seasonal factor. To solve this problem, the author uses the following methods: absolute difference method, relative difference method, season index and moving average method. To achieve this goal the author solves the following problems: 1. Defines seasonality prevalence; 2. Numerically determines the seasonal fluctuations; 3. Identifies the factors, causing seasonal fluctuations; 4. Estimates the consequences of seasonal fluctuations; 5. Carries out mathematical modeling of seasonality. The constructed model of "the number of bed-days" and "pricing" of ‘Zhemchyzhina’ Resort allowed us to determine the dependence of the increasing trend on the increasing rate. It proves that the resort has found its "niche" in the resort service market, but has not reached stability yet.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1386020123.pdf
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5. Svetlana V. Titova, Ludmila A. Medvedeva
Integral Index of Company’s Personnel Reserve Operating Efficiency

The article cites the application example of calculation of integral index of personnel reserve operating efficiency, basing on the indices of personnel recruitment cost reduction; percent of personnel, included in personnel reserve; level of managers’ training; percent of employees engaged from outside; reservists’ turnover; reserve readiness. The paper attempts to find new approach to define personnel reserve operating efficiency and complex analysis of the results of measurement of estimated figures of personnel reserve operating efficiency on the example of production facility ‘Avtomaster’ LLC. The possibility of calculation of integral index of personnel reserve operating efficiency will allow company’s managers to determine the efficiency of this system, detect the problems and elaborate recommendations for their solution.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1386020327.pdf
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6. Oleg V. Vasyurenko, Alexander I. Dmitrenko
Methodology of Stochastic Frontiers Study for Bank Investment Risks Estimation

Investment activity holds a special place in different lines of bank activities. It is concerned with the fact that investment bank activity can have different forms and cause the set of investment risks. To analyze the possibility of such risks, the paper offers to use the methodology of study, using stochastic frontiers. The estimation of bank investment risk occurence as a result of securities transactions is considered as an example of methodology of study, using stochastic frontiers. The article offers the model, using the results of securities transactions; administrative and other bank costs, own capital and integral capacity of bank trading portfolio securities and securities available for sale. The possibility of different types of investment risk analysis, using the results of bank investment activity estimation is shown.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1386020407.pdf
Number of views: 1294      Download in PDF

Pedagogical Sciences

7. Yelena Z. Kudashkina
Specific Character of Educational Process in Cyberspace

The article presents the results of research, carried out in higher educational institution in respect of technical students’ cyber socialization process. Analysis was made on the basis of implementation of three socio-pedagogical conditions into educational process of higher educational institution, namely: formation of present-day ideas about information activity, formation of moral attitude towards cyberspace, development of preventive cyberaddiction algorithm. Theoretical propositions, which allowed to select number of forms and methods, correcting educational process for successful and safe cyber socialization were analyzed.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1386020498.pdf
Number of views: 1282      Download in PDF

8. Gulnaz K. Tleuzhanova, Assel B. Smagulova
Model of Forming of Optimal Motivation for Foreign Languages Acquisition in Higher Educational Institution

The article is focused on the model of forming of optimal motivation for foreign languages acquisition in higher educational institution. The considered model includes the following components: professional motivation, foreign language skills, interest in a foreign language, communication component and psychological climate in a group. The central component of this model is the communication component, which suggests the creation of the classroom communication between a teacher and students and among students, most closely resembling natural communication and meeting interests, aptitudes and needs of students. Such communication can be called optimal. The criterion of optimality of the proposed model of a foreign language acquisition is the formation of the inner motives, in other words, motives that are directly related to the mastery of a foreign language.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1386020601.pdf
Number of views: 1276      Download in PDF

9. Olena V. Tolstopiatova
Formation of Administrative and Communicative Qualities in Future Teachers of Natural Sciences in the Educational Process of Classic University

The article deals with the problem of formation of administrative and communicative qualities in future teachers of natural sciences in the educational process of classic university. The author proves that the process of formation of these qualities will be efficient if the educational process of a classic university is arranged on the basis of the implementation of the suggested pedagogical technology, consisting of the following structural components: conceptual unit, content unit, procedural unit, resulting unit. The following stages of the realization of the pedagogical technology have been discriminated: diagnostic, organizational and stimulating, evaluative and correctional ones.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1386020677.pdf
Number of views: 1228      Download in PDF

Philological Sciences

10. Alla V. Grebenyuk
Ethnic and National Features of Partonyms Use in Phrase Formation of Ukrainian and Other Languages

The article is focused on the determination of ethnic and national features of partonyms use in Ukrainian and other languages. Special attention is attached to the relation of phase formation, when patronymic units act as phrase productive, to Slavic history, culture and traditions.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1386020877.pdf
Number of views: 1342      Download in PDF

Sociological Sciences

11. Tsisana A. Shamlikashvili
Mediation in Modern Russia. Method Structure, Features and Prospects of Development

The article contains information on the current state of rather new for Russia sector of humanities knowledge – the settlement of disputes through mediation. The paper presents the systematic review of the most significant aspects of mediation, contains information on the structure of the mediation method, enabling to settle disputes and the most significant factors of the procedure implementation. Methods of the procedure application, its capabilities and limitations, as well as the scope of application are described. Documents, governing the activity of mediators in Russia are listed. Tasks of the mediation process are considered. Factors of the procedure success and potential profit that parties can derive from the dispute are named.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1386020960.pdf
Number of views: 1342      Download in PDF


12. Zagir V. Ataev, Vitaly V. Bratkov
Geography and Regional Features of Spatial Differentiation and Settlement Development of Landscapes of the Northern Caucasus

The article deals with geography and regional features of Pre-Caucasus lowlands and the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus, characterizes plain and mountainous landscapes, reveals the most typical characteristics of their geographical landscapes. The comparison of the areas with main landscapes and the populated localities inside them was made due to the application of cartographical methods. The amount of populated localities within landscape contours and their average area are defined. It is revealed that piedmont landscapes of Pre-Caucasus and mountain-and-kettle landscapes of the Greater Caucasus are subjected to the maximum settlement load.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1386021118.pdf
Number of views: 1309      Download in PDF

full number
URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1386040234.pdf
Number of views: 1654      Download in PDF

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