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European Researcher. Series A – International Journal of Social Science

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Publication frequency – once in 6 months.
Has been issued since 2010.

Number 2. (in 2 part) October 25, 2013

Technical Sciences

1. Nataliia Beliaeva, Anton Petrochenkov, Korinna Bade
Data Set Analysis of Electric Power Consumption
DOI: 10.13187/er.2013.61.2482CrossRef

This paper presents the analysis of the dataset that is the consumption of electrical power in one household within practically four years in order to find out some patterns, cyclical or seasonal features or other significant information that allows us to do forecasting of the future demand with the certain degree of accuracy.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1383881713.pdf
Number of views: 1675      Download in PDF

2. Olga A. Iarmonova, Anton B. Petrochenkov, Bernd Krause
Development of Gas Turbine Fast Mathematical Model Simulation Module for Software Complex «Electrodin» based on LabVIEW
DOI: 10.13187/er.2013.61.2488CrossRef

A fast mathematical model simulation module based on LabVIEW graphical programming environment has been developed. The module will be used for gas turbine and electrical power system co-simulation, and for testing automation of gas turbine automatic control systems.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1384141231.pdf
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3. Timofey G. Lupeiko, Boris S. Medvedev, Mikhail I. Evdokimov
«Green» Energy Harvesting by Means of Piezoflexogeneration from Vibration or Similar Processes
DOI: 10.13187/er.2013.61.2502CrossRef

The piezoelectric systems of electric energy harvesting with an adaptive low-frequency resonance are developed. These systems allowed to obtain electricity from low-frequency vibration. The availability of their application for adaptation to other periodic processes including pedestrians and vehicles movement is shown.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1383881881.pdf
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4. Anastasiia Suslova, Leonid Mylnikov, Bernd Krause
Prognostic Model for Estimation of Innovative Activity Factors of Regions by Example of the Patenting Data Based on Cognitive map Modeling
DOI: 10.13187/er.2013.61.2508CrossRef

An approach to management of semi-structured scientific research process on the basis of dynamic cognitive map is considered. The approach takes into account interconnections of factors that influence innovative activity and is based on analysis of the following measurable parameters: research activity, innovative activity by branches of industry (applied research), number of developments (applications), demand for technology, geographical spreading, and potential efficiency of innovation.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1383881961.pdf
Number of views: 1307      Download in PDF

Economic Sciences

5. Bojan Đerčan, Tamara Lukić, Milka Bubalo-Živković, Branislav Đurđev
Ethnicity Changes in Backa Region: Historical Conditions and Current State
DOI: 10.13187/er.2013.61.2518CrossRef

The paper is an attempt to observe, analyze and present ethnic characteristics of the area in a complex manner, to indicate their unity and mutual dependence, and highlight the differences from an objective point of view with the aim of finding solutions for specific problems. The aim of this paper is to analyze the ethnic composition of the area of Vojvodina part of Bačka, with special emphasis on the end of XX and beginning of XXI century. By combining historical-demographic and modern approaches in analysis of ethnicity in the region we came to the conclusion that the Serbs, Hungarians, Slovaks, Croats are the largest ethnic groups in the territory of Bačka. Although the process of ethnic homogenization is dominant, there are no ethnically pure regions, and heterogeneity in the ethnic structure of the population is the main feature of Bačka.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1383882079.pdf
Number of views: 1384      Download in PDF

Philological Sciences

6. Fazira A. Kakzhanova
What Modals Are: Modal Verbs, Modal Words, and Auxiliary Modals
DOI: 10.13187/er.2013.61.2530CrossRef

The modals are a complicated grammatical phenomenon. As of today, the status of modals is still not precisely defined in the linguistics literature, and they are described under different names: modal verbs, modal words, auxiliary modals, or defective verbs. Modals express the result of the conversion of thought processes (deep structure) about the realization of actions into surface structure. As articles determine the status of nouns as indefinite or definite things, modals determine the relation of a person to actions or the quality of an action as realizable or unrealizable. Modals cannot truly be ‘modal verbs’, because they lack the morphological characteristics of verbs (aspect, voice, mood, and tense), and the term ‘defective verb’ is flawed for the same reason. Furthermore, they cannot be ‘auxiliary modals’, because they don’t neutralize their main meanings when they become auxiliary. Thus, I propose to refer to these elements only as modals or modal words.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1383882158.pdf
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7. Аlexandra A. Vorozhbitova, Sergey I. Potapenko
Linguistic & Rhetorical Paradigm as Innovative Theoretical Methodological Platform of Studying Discursive Processes of East Slavic and Western Cultures
DOI: 10.13187/er.2013.61.2536CrossRef

The paper suggests studying conceptual models and mechanisms of linguistic consciousness of East Slavic and Western cultures with the application of the theoretical methodological approach of Linguistic & Rhetorical (L&R) Paradigm as an integrative philological trend of an innovative type. The L&R Paradigm rests on the intersection of three categorical dimensions: ideological aspects of a speech event (ethos, logos, pathos); stages of universal cycle of idea-into-speech transformation (invention, disposition, elocution) as a technology of discursive processes; levels of the structure of a linguistic personality as a discourse producer and ideology bearer (associative verbal network, thesaurus, pragmatic field). Hence, the article proposes three groups of L&R parameters of studying speech and thinking phenomena: ethos-motivational-dispositional; logos-thesaurus-inventional; pathos-verbal-elocutionary.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1383882285.pdf
Number of views: 1339      Download in PDF

Pedagogical Sciences

8. Yasemin Esen
Making Room for Gender Sensitivity in Pre-Service Teacher Education
DOI: 10.13187/er.2013.61.2544CrossRef

Education is an effective tool for effecting change both on an individual and social level and it is a key institution that can minimize the differences among social groups and genders. While teachers are key actors responsible for implementing this basic function of education, they themselves are raised in societies that are stratified by gender. Teachers act as carriers of the values and cultural codes of their societies and have a tendency to support students' opinions and behaviours and educational and professional choices shaped by sexist stereotypes, thereby contributing to inequality. Therefore, one strategy to adopt in combating inequality between genders is to raise awareness and sensitivity of teachers concerning gender inequality. With this strategy in mind, this study seeks to identify the key features of Gender Equality course for pre-service teachers in Turkey.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1383882370.pdf
Number of views: 1155      Download in PDF


9. Igor Leščešen, Stefan Kotrla, Katarina Otašević, Milana Pantelić, Aljoša Josimov, Marko Čeperković
Assesment of Water Quality Parametres oF Drina River (West Serbia) in the Period 2004-2011
DOI: 10.13187/er.2013.61.2555CrossRef

A Water Quality Index (WQI) is a numeric expression used to evaluate the quality of water bodies and make it easier understood by managers. This paper aims to assess water quality of Drina River in Serbia for the 2004 – 2011 period. For this purpose authors applied: Serbian Water Quality Index (SWQI). WQI value is dimensionless, single number ranging from 0 to 100 (best quality) derived from numerous physical, chemical, biological and microbiological parameters. For the Drina River SWQI was mainly rated as excellent. This study shows a clear decrease in water quality during summer period. Additionaly, this study shows that water quality along Drina River decreases slightly downstream, but it still provides values that according to SWQI descriptive quality indicator have been defined as excellent (90–100). This methodology includes parameters for assessment of organic loading, but does not involve parameters of heavy metals concentration.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1383882484.pdf
Number of views: 1349      Download in PDF

full number
URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1384141457.pdf
Number of views: 1571      Download in PDF

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