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European Researcher. Series A – International Journal of Social Science

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Publication frequency – once in 6 months.
Has been issued since 2010.

4 December 25, 2018

Articles and Statements

1. Kanat Azmukhanov
Sustainable Development of the Social Sphere in Kazakhstan

European Researcher. Series A, 2018, 9(4): 270-278.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2018.4.270CrossRef

This article shows the social sphere, consisting of a set of industries that create a different product in the material form of advantage, and intangible, which ultimately provide for the needs of the individual: education, health, culture and sports, passenger transport and communication. Under the social sphere of the village should be understood part of the economic complex associated with the agricultural activity, which not only produces services that meet the needs of the population, as well as forms the management of the development of the mechanism of lifestyle and, finally, works to build a view of the future of vital subjects and forms of society. Such forms as the competitiveness of the rural population, its integration into the social space of the country and others. A modern rural economy in difficult conditions can achieve competitive advantages and high efficiency through greater adaptability and flexibility by attracting and retaining talented workers, whose knowledge, competencies and creativity are constantly expanding, increasing the intellectual level of the management system.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1547464112.pdf
Number of views: 618      Download in PDF

2. Bakhytgul K. Alzhapparova
The Factors in the Occurrence and Development of Nomadism in the Territory of Central Kazakhstan

European Researcher. Series A, 2018, 9(4): 279-283.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2018.4.279CrossRef

This article attempts to trace the influence of the geographic factor in the emergence and formation of nomadic pastoralism in the territory of Central Kazakhstan. In this article the climatic and geographical conditions of the region are analyzed, the relationship between climate drought that occurred in the late Bronze Age and the emergence of a nomadic lifestyle is also traced. The author adheres to the thesis that nomadism was dictated by the struggle for survival, an attempt to find the optimal form of existence in the droughty conditions of the geographical area. The author examines the contemporary historiography of the question of the factors of nomadic pastoralism in the region, whose object of study became the pastoral household of the Kazakhs of Central Kazakhstan.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1547464176.pdf
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3. M.A. Elma Dedovic-Atilla, Senad Becirovic
Human Image in Blake’s Poetry

European Researcher. Series A, 2018, 9(4): 284-290.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2018.4.284CrossRef

The paper explores the representation of the human in William Blake´s poetry. In order to grasp depiction of humankind in all its depth, a number of constructs in close relation to the human image are being investigated including the role and nature of God, nature, animal world, as well as the place and illustration of the world of children and adults. All of the concepts are examined in regards to the poet´s dichotomist depiction of the concepts in his both earlier and later literary works, culminating in the ultimate reconciliation and reunion of the seemingly opposing perceptions within the later literary writings.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1547464240.pdf
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4. Aslanbek Dzhakupov, Diana Ismailova
Trends in the Business Development and Investment Dynamics in Kazakhstan at the Present Stage

European Researcher. Series A, 2018, 9(4): 291-297.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2018.4.291CrossRef

The relevance of the topic chosen is obvious, because the market economy cannot exist without business. It is already an accomplished fact of the experiencing great difficulties in entrepreneurship of modern Kazakhstan. It is protected by law and will be developed. The authors reflected in their research the essence of the business, its advantages and disadvantages, current status and development trends. The practical part is describing all the organizational framework. And carefully, describing every sector starting from the Sales department, Research and Development department, Purchase department, Assembly hall, and service department. During the time composing the article, I met in person all workers responsible and gave them short presentation how their procedure is overlooking ISO plan.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1547464330.pdf
Number of views: 598      Download in PDF

5. Fatima Kovačević, Amna Brdarević-Čeljo, Senad Bećirović
Opportunities and Challenges Facing Bosnian High-School EFL Learners

European Researcher. Series A, 2018, 9(4): 298-306.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2018.4.298CrossRef

The importance of learning English as a second or foreign language has been globally recognized, as its presence is plainly evident in diverse areas, in the area of business and science in particular (Schütz, 2005). Thus, as a global lingua franca, the English language is taught as the first foreign language in non-English-speaking countries around the world, and likewise it is fairly widespread as a compulsory course in elementary and secondary schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to the curriculum of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth (Ministry of Education, 2016), the expected level of English language proficiency that students need to achieve at the end of their secondary education is B2+ (CEFR, 2001). With this in mind, this paper primarily aims to determine whether Bosnian secondary-school students reach the expected B2+ level of English language proficiency as well as whether there is any significant difference between female and male students in that respect. In order to gain a better insight into the grading practices, a correlation between the students’ proficiency level and the English language grade they obtain at the end of the academic year was also explored.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1547464405.pdf
Number of views: 609      Download in PDF

6. Anastasia Shahanskaya (Katrich)
Аnalysis of Films from Northern European Countries on the Topic of the School and University

European Researcher. Series A, 2018, 9(4): 307-313.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2018.4.307CrossRef

The author made an attempt to carry out hermeneutical analysis on the examples of feature films of Northern European countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland) on school and University subjects. The author notes that each of the countries represented is nationally distinctive and has its own unique features, but still, they all have a similar aesthetic and stylistic cinematic space. The authors of these media texts often turn to school and University subjects based on real events, to acute social issues and problems of our time, as well as the solution of interpersonal and internal conflicts, self-analysis. Many of them are purely commercial works, offering simple entertaining stories about the difficulties of adolescence, puberty, first love and friendship. The school as a whole is presented positively, in the educational plan, where the plot of the movie assumes display of the process of training, the certain structure is visible. The types of the characters are very diverse: teachers and trainers act as role from authorities, who cared for his business and the role of the «tormentors» exceeding their authority; pupils are young people, with different characters, difficulties and internal conflicts inherent in age, hopes for a bright future, social organization and personal affirmation.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1547464449.pdf
Number of views: 602      Download in PDF

7. Suparna Wijaya, Dina Alifatul Ma’rifah
Analysis of Acceptance Level Related to E-Filing of Annual Tax Return of Personal Taxpayer (Case Study: Tax Office of Pratama Batang)

European Researcher. Series A, 2018, 9(4): 314-328.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2018.4.314CrossRef

The Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) seeks to improve the satisfaction of taxpayers and all tax stakeholders in order to realize a high level of public trust in taxation services. In order to increase the level of compliance with the submission of the Annual Tax Return (ATR) of Personal Income Tax and the modern taxation system, DGT improves its services through e-filing. This study is aimed at analyzing the acceptance level of personal taxpayers for e-filing and finding out what factors affect the acceptance. The study was conducted by applying quantitative method. The hypothesis testing used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method and the processing used Lisrel 8.7 program. The research findings showed that the variables of compatibility and perceived ease of use have significant effect on perceived usefulness. Meanwhile, the variables of complexity, trust, and social influence do not have significant effect on perceived usefulness of taxpayers. On the other hand, the variable of social influences does not have significant effect on perceived usefulness of taxpayers. The variables of complexity and compatibility have significant effect on perceived ease of use. Meanwhile, the variable of perceived usefulness has significant effect on attitude towards using. However, it turns out that the variable of perceived ease of use does not have significant effect on attitude towards using. Conversely, the variables of attitude towards using, social influence, and facilitating condition have significant effect on behavior intention. Meanwhile, the variable of social influence which includes the role of the media, government, and tax officers in providing recommendations for the use of e-filing actually has effect on the taxpayer’s behavior intention. In addition, the variable of facilitating condition which includes hardware and software availability, ease of access to e-filing site, and assistance of tax officers also have significant effect on taxpayer’s behavior intention. Furthermore, the variable of trust does not have effect on taxpayer’s perceived usefulness and behavior intention. Finally, the variable of perceived risk does not have effect on taxpayer’s behavior intention.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1547465272.pdf
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URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1547465315.pdf
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