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European Researcher. Series A – International Journal of Social Science

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Publication frequency – once in 6 months.
Has been issued since 2010.

5 May 31, 2016

Economic sciences

1. Galina A. Kharchenko, Marina Yu. Klischenko, Irina V. Grigorieva, Vladimir V. Kovalenko, Svetlana V. Semenova
Studying the Factors Influencing a Choice of Devices for Carrying Out Inhalations on the Basis of Statistical Processing of Results Of Questionnaire

European Researcher. Series A, 2016, Vol.(106), Is. 5, pp. 242-251.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2016.106.242CrossRef

Authors set the object, to study the factors influencing a choice of buyers of devices for carrying out inhalation on the basis of statistical processing of results of questionnaire of buyers, to analyze interrelation between the factors influencing a choice and purchase of the device and gender and age characteristics of potential buyers. The role of the doctor, worker of a drugstore, the Internet sites in the course of a choice, opinion of consumers of different age categories on the most preferable sources of information on devices for carrying out inhalation is revealed, preferences of buyers at a choice of a place of commission of purchase of devices for carrying out inhalation are defined. Feature of respondents of sources of information and making decision on purchase, female and male concerning use is shown.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1467662289.pdf
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2. Goran Rajović, Jelisavka Bulatović
From Concept of the Region to Regional Image of Montenegro

European Researcher. Series A, 2016, Vol.(106), Is. 5, pp. 252-270.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2016.106.252CrossRef

The focus of work is the understanding of the problems of regional development in recent times is becoming increasingly important socio - economic issue. The paper seeks to argue that the context and Regional Development provides an opportunity to resolve the paradox of development interpreted by many researchers. Issues of Regional Development of Montenegro for more than half a century did not have adequate theoretical or practical foundation. New current models of economic growth and development were based on sector priorities and policies, the short and medium term objectives. In order to slow down the aging process of the population of Montenegro and mitigate its effects, it is necessary to increase the birth rate, which would encourage the gradual rejuvenation of the population. The second group of measures relates to immigration, and the third to increase youth employment in order to prevent any more numerous emigrations. The problem employment/unemployment is one of the most socio - economic problems in Montenegro. Therefore, in the management regional development policy at EU level, special importance is given to finding adequate mechanisms and instruments that will contribute to the better functioning of labor markets, and thus to a more balanced regional development. In Montenegro, it is necessary to elaborate a new concept, a comprehensive regional development, which will be based on demographic, natural, economic and socio-cultural resources.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1467662492.pdf
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Philosophical sciences

3. Sergey A. Lebedev
Models and Laws of the Development of Scientific Knowledge

European Researcher. Series A, 2016, Vol.(106), Is. 5, pp. 271-281.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2016.106.271CrossRef

The problem of the dynamics of scientific knowledge is one of the central problems in modern methodology of science. This problem involves three main issues. The first concerns the essence of the process of science: whether it is a gradual evolutionary change( i.e. expansion of the scope and content of scientific truths), or describes a more complex model with jumps, revolutions, qualitative differences in views on the same subject [14]? This question may be formulated otherwise: is the dynamics of science the process of cumulative or, rather, anticumulative (including the waiver of some previous scientific views as unacceptable the position of new theories)? [7]. The second question concerns the explanation of the dynamics of scientific knowledge: whether it is possible to interpret it by appealing exclusively to action intrascientific (internal) factors or you must recognize a significant impact on scientific knowledge of a number of non-scientific (external), in particular, socio-cultural, factors? [16;19]. The third question involves the search for general laws of development of scientific knowledge and specific patterns of development of different fields of science [6]. The answers to the above-formulated problem cannot be obtained without the involvement of the factual material of the history of science. But the appeal to history of science assures us that the dynamics of scientific knowledge science is not a purely logical process of the unfolding of the content of scientific knowledge, and cognitive changes that take place in historical space and time. However, it is equally clear that historical material always needs some philosophical interpretation, as can be rationale reconstructs in different ways [15].

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1467662605.pdf
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Pedagogical sciences

4. Tatyana N. Belousova, Anvar M. Mamadaliev, Sergei Yu. Cheredinov
The Pedagogical Model of Innovation Technology "the Student – Tutor – Parent" as an Actual Pedagogical Problem (the Experience of the Innovative Activities of SYT in Sochi as Municipal and Regional Innovation Platform)

European Researcher. Series A, 2016, Vol.(106), Is. 5, pp. 282-292.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2016.106.282CrossRef

The article analyses the key elements of tutoring as a relevant pedagogical activity in modern social terms, and also explores the possibilities and prospects of educational technology with use of elements of tutoring, the key thesis of which is a one-time interaction of the teacher-tutor, the student and his parent within one class, the so-called bunch of "tutor – parent – student". The work substantiates the relevance of tutor support, including the scale of supplementary education institutions, identify conditions (including regulatory and legal) of successful use of tutoring technology, as well as the opportunities and risks of implementation in the sphere of additional education (on the example of the municipal budget institution of additional education – the station of young technicians in Sochi city).

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1467662708.pdf
Number of views: 1018      Download in PDF

Sociological sciences

5. Yuri A. Privalov, Michael I. Ojovan, Mikhail B. Loshchinin
The Phenomenon of Locked Survival

European Researcher. Series A, 2016, Vol.(106), Is. 5, pp. 293-314.
DOI: 10.13187/er.2016.106.293CrossRef

The phenomenological model of labor, which assumes labor as some kind of imitation and as necessary but not sufficient condition for the creation of good, was suggested. The labor model is developed on theoretical base common with the model of collective. The formula of labor of survival collective happen to be the most general and may be considered as the generator of formulas of labor in towns and in wild nature. There were considered numerous consequences of labor model, including the difference between rural and urban labor, the historical disintegration of labor communities, the society self-heating, and the locked survival. The nature of non-linearity in models of labor and collective is discussed. The hypothesis that survival is locked but transition "survival-prosperity" is historically facilitated was justified. Demographic phase transition proposed by S.P. Kapitsa is confirmed by the model of locked survival. The fatal co-occurrence of completion of human population growth, displacement of population from villages to cities, and the collapse of households is explained.

URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1467662858.pdf
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full number
URL: http://www.erjournal.ru/journals_n/1467662900.pdf
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