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European Researcher. Series A – International Journal of Social Science

E-ISSN 2224-0136

Publication frequency – once in 6 months.
Has been issued since 2010.

Number 1. (in 1 part) January 01, 2011

07.00.00 Historical sciences

1. Susanna D. Bagdasaryan
Polyethnic factor of Sochi public education system in 1920th
Number of views: 1597      Download in PDF

2. Ivan A. Ermachkov
Sochi transportation system during Perestroika (1985–1991)
Number of views: 1624      Download in PDF

3. Olga D. Karnaukh
Public authorities and governmental supervision in the early XX century: historic-legal aspect
Number of views: 1600      Download in PDF

4. Sergey V. Olyunin
Secularity and religiosity: keystones of Turkish national identity
Number of views: 1753      Download in PDF

5. Tatyana P. Khlynina
Soviet Georgia attainments and losses in 1920-1930 according to modern georgian historiography estimations and public conscience
Number of views: 1820      Download in PDF

6. Alexander A. Cherkasov
Provincial town transportation system in early XX century (Sochi posad case study)
Number of views: 1675      Download in PDF

7. Valery Е. Shetnev
Modern historiography review of the greater Sochi history: past decade results
Number of views: 1739      Download in PDF

08.00.00 Economic sciences

8. Anna O. Balabanova
Basic features of agrotourism in Germany
Number of views: 1820      Download in PDF

9. Alla Yu. Baranova
Technique of travel and recreational services social tax deduction
Number of views: 1718      Download in PDF

10. Alla Yu. Baranova, Tatyana P. Levchenko
Estimation of qualitative and quantitative characteristics interrelation, having an impact on amount of tourists in hospitality industry
Number of views: 1613      Download in PDF

11. Yury I. Verbin
Services quality impact on formation of health resort product customer demand
Number of views: 1746      Download in PDF

12. Alexandra I. Mikheyeva
Management systems efficiency estimation in tourism organizations
Number of views: 1647      Download in PDF

13. Tamara E. Rastegayeva
Congress bureau as the way of congress tourism income optimization in Sochi resort
Number of views: 1642      Download in PDF

14. Sergey V. Polatayko
Voluntary work organization in higher educational establishment: theory and practice
Number of views: 1543      Download in PDF

10.00.00 Philological sciences

15. Mikhail B. Zuev
Polyethnic aspect in American predicatory discourse
Number of views: 1459      Download in PDF

12.00.00 Legal sciences

16. Liya L. Kavshbaya, Olga D. Karnaukh
Common law in legal authorities system
Number of views: 1575      Download in PDF

17. Valeryan А. Lebedev, Vladimir I. Belosludtsev
Citizens’ rights and freedoms restrictions in state of emergency
Number of views: 1848      Download in PDF

18. Natalya V. Lebedeva, Alexey Yu. Ogurtsov
Constitutional obligations of a person and a citizen
Number of views: 1666      Download in PDF

19. Natalya V. Lebedeva
Theoretical approaches to elections defining
Number of views: 1540      Download in PDF

20. Nelly G. Makarenko
Property crime in Russian pre-revolutionary legislation of XVIII – early XX centuries
Number of views: 1669      Download in PDF

21. Maria S. Semenova
Recall institution at the local level
Number of views: 1657      Download in PDF

22. Maria S. Semenova, Natalya V. Lebedeva
Citizens meetings in democratic system
Number of views: 1499      Download in PDF

23. Vyacheslav A. Tutinas
Regulatory stipulation of Olympic and Paralympic games organizing and conducting entities competence as one of guarantees of their participants’ rights observance
Number of views: 1576      Download in PDF

24. Evgeniya V. Tutinas
Federation entities lawmaking features in travel industry
Number of views: 1621      Download in PDF

13.00.00 Pedagogic sciences

25. Liya G. Skorobogatova
General educational disciplines practice-oriented training in intermediate vocational education
Number of views: 1669      Download in PDF

26. Liya G. Skorobogatova
Intermediate vocational education teachers training
Number of views: 1637      Download in PDF

22.00.00 Sociological sciences

27. Sofya N. Kuleshova, Nina Ya. Melnichenko
Youth tolerance features in polyethnic region
Number of views: 1678      Download in PDF

23.00.00 Political sciences

28. Olga A. Kryzhanovskaya, Svetlana V. Petrova
South and north ossetia political union: prospects and realization opportunities
Number of views: 1583      Download in PDF

29. Svetlana V. Petrova
Vladislav Ardzinba – the first president of Abkhazia (biographical sketch)
Number of views: 1591      Download in PDF

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